Internet Explorer cannot open the URL: http://localhost/reportserver

  • Guys,

    I am stucked in what to do to open my http://localhost/reportserver, I cheked the applcation pool, the IIS, the identity, I run the rsconfig.exe, I cheched my database connection, all of them running with a domain account...but even that I still without able to open my http page....

    the Internet Explorer cannot open that URL, I followed this link..... ...but nothing change

    It is the first time I configured it, and I really getting crazy why I did wrong....Please any help??

    Thank you

    OS: windows 2003

    SQL Server 2005 version.

  • Though I haven't seen this while using localhost as the address, I have seen a similar problem with using a client PC connecting to the server. In that case the problem was with the DNS entry not being set correctly on the network.

    have you been able to review all the logs to see if an error is being generated when starting SSRS?


  • Hi, yes, thanks..and I found that my WebServices was not running because the port was already in use, now I change it, and seems that is working fine.


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