Renamexcel file using T-sql or xp_cmdshell

  • I want to rename one template using SSIS's Execute SQL task or using sql server commands

    I need to put timestamp while renameing the original file so u can say i want

    C:\abc\test_temp.xls file to be renamed as C:\abc\test_112620081400.xls

    i can do that using batch file plz run first 3 lines as a batch file

    for /f "tokens=2-4* delims=/ " %%a in ('DATE /T') do set THEDATE=%%c%%b%%a

    Ren C:\abc\test_temp.xls test_%THEDATE%.xls


    Then execute it works


    BUT IF U RUN IT IN SQL using xp_cmdshell IT GIVES ERROR

    rem DECLARE @rc int

    rem EXEC @rc = master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'copy C:\abc\test_temp.xls C:\abc\log\test.xls'

    rem Exec master..xp_cmdshell'for /f "tokens=2-4* delims=/ " %%a in ('DATE /T') do set THEDATE=%%c%%b%%a'

    rem Exec master..xp_cmdshell'Ren C:\abc\log\test.xls test_%THEDATE%.xls'


    rem Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 3

    rem Incorrect syntax near 'DATE'.

    so ultimately i want to rename a file using sql server any help is appreciated thanks

  • This should work in management studio(don't know why you had the Rem in the SQL code part though)

    DECLARE @rc int

    DECLARE @dt varchar(8)

    DECLARE @cmd nvarchar(1000)

    SELECT @dt = Convert(varchar(8),getdate(),112)

    SET @cmd = 'Ren C:\abc\log\test.xls test_'+@dt+'.xls'

    EXEC @rc = master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'copy C:\abc\test_temp.xls C:\abc\log\test.xls'

    rem Exec master..xp_cmdshell @cmd

    I think there's a better way to rename a file using SSIS - maybe use a cmdshell task instead of an SQL task...I can't recall right now and don't have access to SSIS to check it up...

  • Since you are already using SSIS check these links for information on how to use the filesystem task to do the copying and renaming of files...

  • hi Winash

    thanks i tried sql and xp_cmdshell method but i was stuck in syntax inside REN

    but u have corrected it so fine but is it possible i can attach timestamp along with date??

    i tried changing from 112 to 120 or some other forms which supports hh and mm (i dont want in sec or

    milisec) i modify ur code but its not creating the full hh and mm file

    i dont know why..?? can u take a look in tht??

    Thanks again

  • You can use the datepart function to get the hour and minute information...using other styles in the convert (120 for example) will not work as the format is hh:mi and : is not allowed in a file name....

    You could still use 120 and replace all : with _ or some other allowed separator

    DECLARE @rc int

    DECLARE @dt varchar(30)

    DECLARE @cmd nvarchar(1000)

    SELECT @dt = Convert(varchar(8),getdate(),112)+'_'+



    -- or can try this too

    SELECT @dt = REPLACE(Convert(varchar(30),getdate(),120),':','_')

    SET @cmd = 'Ren C:\abc\log\test.xls "test_'+@dt+'.xls"'

    EXEC @rc = master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'copy C:\abc\test_temp.xls C:\abc\log\test.xls'

    rem Exec master..xp_cmdshell @cmd

    I'd recommend you use the filesystem task in SSIS 🙂

  • hey Thanks again winash

    actually the thing is i can use file system task but i need 2 use it 2 times

    first for copying file and second time for renaming the file.

    Actually my main concern to rename is, i dont want to overwrite the file

    and i dont want to delete old files n keep them in the same folder

    Well another thing i wan to share here is i have one source OLE DB which gets few

    data from sql database then it converts them using data conversion task and then loads them in

    excel sheet.

    But this is another issue, i have defined excel connection manager and it takes input

    from C:\abc\log\test_20081126.xls

    but we are creating this file everytime daily new so today it it test_20081126.xls

    tomorrow test_20081127.xls and so on... but

    my excel connection manager is static and it has C:\abc\log\test_20081126.xls path only

    so it will overwrite in the same file instead of using newly created file

    and i dont want that.what should be the best way to overcome this???

  • actually its very simple... got it man...anyway thanks

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