Reporting services error

  • I installed reporting services 2005 on our development server, then I configured the reporting services. When trying to open the

    reporting services url:


    I am getting the below error:

    cannot connect to the remote computer.

    Please let me know how I can solve this issue. Thanks.

  • This is a connection to a web server. Try http://myserver/reports instead.

    Else control the settings of your IIS. Did the reporting services install an application pool and is it activated?

  • I installed reporting services 2005 on our development server, then I configured the reporting services. When trying to open the

    reporting services url:


    I am getting the below error:

    cannot connect to the remote computer.

    Please let me know how I can solve this issue. Thanks.

    Did u had any configuration problem while installing?

    and did you specify the right credentials??

    Where did u deploy the report? if it was on the same machine then

    check this http://localhost/Reportserver

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