How to trigger a auto update

  • Dear Friend,

    My situation as follows

    i have two databases , each databases are in different location for example one is in Washingten and another one is in california.each databse have two tables.

    washingten databse("DB1") have table called ("Emp","Status")

    california databse("DB2") have table called("employee","Status")

    so my need is when ever any updates done in "Status" table of washingten database that should be automatically upadted in "Status" table of california database also.

    how this logic could be achieved? do i need to use trigger and procedure for this ? is there any examples for this please provide me so that i can understand please

  • i would think you'd need to add a linked server on washington to point to The california server, and repeat the process on the Cali server to point to washington.

    once you have linked servers, you could do updates based on your requirement:

    the problem with a trigger is that if the update to the linked server fails, the transaction would roll back if there was a network issue or something like that. just be aware

    example code on the washington server mught run this command in your proposed trigger :

    UPDATE California.DB2.dbo.employee cali

    set cali.Status = = INSERTED.Status,

    UpdatedDate = getdate()

    WHERE cali.employeeID = INSERTED.employeeID

    to do it in a stored proc, you need to have a WHERE statement to find the changes at a later there an updatedDate column or somethign you can determine which records changed outside of a trigger? do you really need instant updates rom a trigger, or could it be once a day/hour or something?

    for example:

    UPDATE California.DB2.dbo.employee cali

    set cali.Status = wash.Status,

    cali.UpdatedDate = wash.UpdatedDate

    from Emp wash

    WHERE cali.employeeID = wash.employeeID

    and wash.UpdatedDate >= getdate() -1 ---everything less than a day old?

    and cali.Status <> wash.Status --don't re-update items we touched on a previous pass


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