August 15, 2008 at 10:37 am
I am a c# programming. I have a gridview on one of my screens that I need to page through as well as sort. Right now the table that provides the data for the gridview is empty, but soon will have about 150,000 rows in it.
In order to get the data, I created a stored procedure that uses Row_number() for paging and Case statements to determine the sort order.
While I was building this stored procedure I came across an article that stated that creating a procedure where you sort on different columns that performance would be better using dynamic sql then case statements.
Is the author of this article correct?
August 15, 2008 at 10:51 am
It will depend on the dynamic SQL and the case statement methods used.
I would imagine that the author found a situation in which they are correct. However, this is not necessarily the case all the time. If you want to post the DDL for your table, some sample data, and your current procedure there will be some people (including myself) that will give you a hand getting this optimized for your situation.
I usually avoid dynamic T-SQL and have never come across a situation myself in which it was the "best" solution for paging in a web form.
August 15, 2008 at 11:31 am
Here is a copy of my stored procedure. Hopefully it will make sense (I am kind of new at this).
Sorry about the formatting. I am not sure how to clean it up in order to make it easier to read.
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.SalesOrder_GET_ALL( @CustomerNumber Int
, @SortExpression VarChar(100)
, @StartRowIndex Int
, @MaximumRows Int)
Declare @StartRow Int
Set NoCount On
-- The Index sent to this procedure is Zero Based. We have to Increment that value by 1 --
Set @StartRow = @StartRowIndex + 1;
With SalesOrder_CTE As
Select SOID
, CustomerNumber
, PoNumber
, DateEntered
, EnteredBy
, PoIssuedDate
, ToComeLater
, ShowDetails
, CsrRepID
, CustomerAddressID
, RowStatus_Status
, RowVersion
, LastChangedDateTime
, OperID
, CompanyName
, CSRRepFirstName
, CSRRepLastName
, EnteredByFirstName
, EnteredByLastName
, Row_Number() Over (Order By Case When @SortExpression = 'PONumber' Then PoNumber End Asc,
Case When @SortExpression = 'DateEntered' Then Convert(VarChar(Max), DateEntered, 102) End Asc,
Case When @SortExpression = 'PoIssuedDate' Then Convert(VarChar(Max), PoIssuedDate, 102) End Asc,
Case When @SortExpression = 'CSRRepLastName' Then CSRRepLastName + CSRRepFirstName End Asc,
Case When @SortExpression = 'EnteredByLastName' Then EnteredByLastName + EnteredByFirstName End Asc,
Case When @SortExpression = 'PONumber DESC' Then PoNumber End Desc,
Case When @SortExpression = 'DateEntered DESC' Then Convert(VarChar(Max), DateEntered, 102) End Desc,
Case When @SortExpression = 'PoIssuedDate DESC' Then Convert(VarChar(Max), PoIssuedDate, 102) End Desc,
Case When @SortExpression = 'CSRRepLastName DESC' Then CSRRepLastName + CSRRepFirstName End Desc,
Case When @SortExpression = 'EnteredByLastName DESC' Then EnteredByLastName + EnteredByFirstName End Desc
) As RowNumber
From SalesOrders
Where CustomerNumber = @CustomerNumber
Select SOID
, CustomerNumber
, PoNumber
, DateEntered
, EnteredBy
, PoIssuedDate
, ToComeLater
, ShowDetails
, CsrRepID
, CustomerAddressID
, RowStatus_Status
, RowVersion
, LastChangedDateTime
, OperID
, CompanyName
, CSRRepFirstName
, CSRRepLastName
, EnteredByFirstName
, EnteredByLastName
From SalesOrder_CTE
Where RowNumber Between @StartRow AND (@StartRow + @MaximumRows) - 1
August 15, 2008 at 6:49 pm
Nice topic.... Sorry for entering in the mid...
Wish to add my view..
For your scenario, dont go for dynamic sql ....
Thanks and Regards,
Venkatesan Prabu, 😛
My Blog:
August 15, 2008 at 7:45 pm
Thanks. I appreciate the advice. Is there any reason to ever use dynamic sql? If so, what would that be? Since I am a novice at T-SQL, I was wondering how was my stored proc?
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