Blog Post

Midlands PASS December Meeting - Virtualization Everything


Speaker: Paul Shearer

Midlands PASS Chapter - December 4, 2008 Meeting

The Midlands PASS chapter will hold our normally scheduled meeting on Thursday, December 4, 2008. Paul Shearer will be giving a presentation entitled "Virtualization Everything" in which he'll cover virtualizing SQL Server for large scale apps using Hyper-V technology. This is definitely one you'll want to attend and invite your system administrators to as well!

The meeting will once again be held at Training Concepts off of Berryhill Road. We will begin our meet and greet time at 6:15 PM as usual and start the at 6:45 PM. Please feel free to forward this to anyone who you think would be interested in attending. If you haven’t already done so and plan on attending, please RSVP (kbriankelley {at} acm {dot} org) as soon as possible so we can ensure we have enough space and food. If you have time to help with setup, please email me and we’ll plug you in!

I'll send out an agenda, contact phone numbers, and the building code the week of the meeting.


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