with grant option and TCP/IP

  • I want to find a way to find out all the users who have the 'with grant option enabled'. Also want to know how to determine whether a SQL Server has been setup to use the TCP/IP Protocol.

  • There are multiple ways to find out if SQL Server is configured to use TCP/IP. In SQL2005, you can use Configuration Manager-> SQL Network Configuration->Client Protocols ->TCP/IP ( Enabled / Disabled )


  • On SQL Server 2005/2008 you can query sys.database_permissions to see who has the WITH GRANT option. The state field is what you're looking to filter on. If the value is W that means the permission state is WITH GRANT.

    As far as detecting TCP/IP as an enabled network library, Configuration Manager will do it. You can also use a scanning tool like SQLPing. However, before you do any sort of scanning, make sure you have the permission of your organization.

    K. Brian Kelley

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