Need idea for Time table generating Tool

  • Hi,

    i'm going to create a tool for School time table system using with Oracle 10g, PL/SQL and front end D2K.

    Parameters for generating time table

    · Class

    · Subjects in a class

    · Number of periods for a subject in a week for a particular class

    · Divisions of classes

    · Teachers and their subjects

    · Teachers, subject and their classes

    · Total periods in a day(Total number of period on Saturday may vary)

    i have created required tables in my DB, but i got little struck to get a logic point to catch a clear-cut route, can anyone guide me for above requirement.

    Thanks in Advance,



  • FYI - This is a MicroSoft SQL Server forum, not Oracle. You'd be better served by posting to an Oracle forum.

    -- You can't be late until you show up.

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