Zipping a file in SSIS

  • Hi guys,

    I added an Execute Process Task to zip a file usnig winrar (or winzip) but the task is not workin well. The task looks successful (turns green) but the file is not generated..

    These are the settings within the Execute Process Task:

    Executable: C:\Program Files\WinRAR\rar.exe

    Argument: rar -a C:\list.txt C:\MyCompressedfile.rar

    WorkingDirectory: C:\

    Any help is appreciated.

    Thanks in advance

  • Do you need "rar" in the arguments?

    Russel Loski, MCSE Business Intelligence, Data Platform

  • Apparently yes. I tried executing the same file without the 'rar' in the Arguments and still no compressed file was generated..

    Any more ideas?

  • What happens if you run the following:

    "C:\Program Files\WinRAR\rar.exe" -a C:\list.txt C:\MyCompressedfile.rar

    Russel Loski, MCSE Business Intelligence, Data Platform

  • I managed to get it working... The Arguments simply have to be set like this:

    a c:\test.rar c:\list.txt

    Thanks for your help 🙂

  • Hola amiguito, si quieres hacer comprimir tu archivo y crear uno con extension .ZIP, te paso un código CHINGON!

    Usa un Script Task y escribe este código:

    Option Strict Off

    Imports System

    Imports System.IO

    Imports System.IO.Compression

    Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime

    Public Class ComprimirArchivo

    Rem Variable that holds Path and File Name

    Private archivo_txt As String = Path.Combine(Dts.Variables.Item("Ruta_Archivo").Value.ToString, Dts.Variables.Item("Nombre_Archivo").Value.ToString)

    Public Sub Main()


    Using fsArchivo As New FileStream(Me.archivo_txt, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)

    Dim buffer(fsArchivo.Length) As Byte

    Dim intCount = fsArchivo.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)


    Using archivoZip As New FileStream(Me.archivo_txt + ".zip", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)

    Using compressor As New GZipStream(archivoZip, CompressionMode.Compress, True)

    compressor.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)

    End Using

    End Using

    buffer = Nothing

    intCount = Nothing

    End Using


    Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

    Catch ex As Exception

    Dts.Events.FireError(-1, "Comprimir Archivo: " + Me.archivo_txt, ex.Message, "", 0)

    Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Failure


    Me.archivo_txt = Nothing

    End Try

    End Sub

    End Class

  • HI,

    Execute Process Task , you need to give some property false, i have mention below pleas try it.

    left side , there is a process ..

    in that what you need to modify is..

    failtaskifreturnCodeIsNotSuccessValue make it False

    it will work.

    third party tools required to unzip or make zip


    G.Chinna Babu



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