Outer Join Functionality in SSRS 2005 Report Builder Model?

  • Hello,

    MSSQL 2005/SP2; SSRS Report Builder tool

    I've noticed that the default behavior of a SSRS Report Builder model appears to be an INNER JOIN ... any thoughts on a work-around if i need it to mimic an OUTER JOIN for a client?


    2 tables:

    Customer table = CUST; PK = CustID

    Orders table = ORD; PK = OrdID; FK = CUST.custID

    A customer can have 0 or many orders.

    I would like to allow the client to build a report, from a model, using Report Builder, which would return all the records from the customer table EVEN if they have not placed an order.


    SELECT c.CustID, o.OrdID


    LEFT JOIN ORD o ON o.CustID = c.CustID

    Also, has anybody heard if OUTER JOIN feature will be available in a later service pack/fix or in mssql2008?

    Many thanks. Jeff

  • I have assumed you could create views with outer join and use it as your datasource but I could not find docs for it. However I found what you are looking for.


    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

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