Restoration error

  • Hi,

    While restoring database in sql server 2005, i am getting hte following error in sql server 2005

    "Exclusive access could not be obtained because the database is in use "

    No users are connected except me as dba.

    Pls help me.

  • It's your connection it's complaining about. To restore, there must be no users connected to the DB

    Change to another database (master) before doing the restore.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Change to another database (master) before doing the restore. ?

    i am not getting exactly wat u r trying to tell

  • Make sure you are not connected to the database you are trying to restore.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Change to another database (master) before doing the restore. ?

    i am not getting exactly wat u r trying to tell

    USE master



    FROM DISK = 'D:\BackupFileName.BAK'

  • i did as u told

    i thought of changing to single user and restore can i use the below one

    alter database DM_Global set SINGLE_USER

  • Dear Ashok,

    See whether any users are connected to the database that you are restoring, if so ask them to change the database context or close their connections.

    Query for you to find out who the users are accessing the database

    select spid,loginame,program_name,hostname from master..sysprocesses

    where dbid = db_id(' '

  • hi murali,

    i ran the query

    select spid,loginame,program_name,hostname from master..sysprocesses

    where dbid = db_id(' '

    no body is connected

    but still i am getting the error wat to do?pls help

  • Hi, use the master database and run the command sp_who2 to check who is accessing the database that you are trying to restore.

    check for the spid here against the database.(blkby column) if found any kill it.

    the use the master database to restore. You can stop then start server and then do the restore;) this would do!!

  • Hi ruin,

    i can stop and start the server,without doing this i should do it.

  • So you can restore the database by stopping and starting the server?

    Else you need to check for the SPIDs that are blocking the database. Use the master database to restore.

    Restore command :

    restore database DBname from disk = 'Z:\.BAK'

    with move 'datafilename_Data' to ' ',

    move 'logfilename_Log' to ' ',


    hope this helps:P

  • i stopped and started the services,but still same error

    in restore command wats the use of Move statement.

    i checked spid no users are connected.

  • could you please paste the error that you are getting now?

    move syntax -> moves the data and log files to their respective drives, this is the case when you get a backup file from another server and then do a restore, since the mdf and ldf file location would have changed. thats why we use a move syntax;)

  • Exclusive access could not be obtained because the database is in use

    this is the error i am getting

    if i do manullay using managment studio same error.:w00t:

  • Set the database offline before you start the restore. That will prevent users from connecting to it.

    use master

    alter database MyDatabase set offline with rollback immediate

    restore database MyDatabase...

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