Reporting services back-up

  • Hi, regulary I make a full back-up of my sql server instance...but the pages of reports that are on disk...are naturaly non covered. If there is a crash from my back-up there is a way for extract this file and restore services fulloperativa?

    TNKS Alen

  • Alen,

    Your report definitions are contained within the ReportServer database, and so as long as you back up this database, you will be able to recover your reports.

    If your server goes down though and you want to be able to recover Reporting Services, then you would need a backup strategy for your server. For instance we use Ghost images, or BMR (Bare Metal Restore) to recover our servers. Then you can restore your ReportServer database.

    Hope this helps


  • Thanks for your reply but I don't undestand if the file that users upload are stored on DB. If back-up is operative of sql server and disk where the file of report are stored I can output from back-up files on another machine?

    Hope U understood me.

    Alen Italy

  • OK - I think we might need to distinguish between reports that are being designed/developed, and reports that are deployed/available for users to run.

    If you're still developing reports in BIDS/Visual Studio, then these are stored as part of your Solution, which by default is stored on your local disk (e.g. My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\...). These are not stored on the ReportServer database. It's only when reports are deployed that their definitions (i.e. data sources, format etc.) are committed to the ReportServer DB.

    If you want to continue development of your reports on a different machine, then you either need to be able to access the original solution file from that other machine, or take a copy of the solution from your machine and paste it onto the other machine.


  • OK perfect...It's If my reports are into DB, when I recovery or restore an istance into another machine...I'll got back the file for consulting...via exploer...ok not the original...

    But is possibile, how, extract this report to a fisic file from the DB in filesystem?


  • Reports are compiled in Report Definition Language (RDL - a fancy form of XML). You can get the source file from your solution where you'll find the form in RDL, or you can open up the report in Reporting Services, click on the Properties tab, then under the General heading you can select Edit the Report Definition. This allows you to save the report that's been deployed in RDL format to whenever you want (in other words - create a backup of the RDL file).

  • OK perfect... I'll do a back of solution

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