awe enable question

  • Hello,

    Have a quick question. I have a 1+1 sql2000 cluster with awe enabled. The active machine have 32gb of physical memory and the passive node contains 16gb physical memory. What happen's when we fail primary to passive? would the entire box crash, since secondary doesnt have enough memory?


  • I would expect that SQL would happily fail-over to the passive node. Since you have less RAM available on that node, you should expect performance to be lower since less data can be cached which means the server will experience higher I/O loads.

    As a general guideline, the two servers in an ACTIVE-PASSIVE cluster should have the same hardware otherwise you can experience different levels of performance. This is not a rule since clustering supports clusters with more than 2 nodes and you can have the cluster setup so that cluster resources failover (to other nodes) in any way you see fit. This implies that the load on each server is not necessarilly the same and hence difference hardware may be appropriate.

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