Snapshot delivered....Multiple times

  • Hi All,

    A bit of a wierd one here. We replicate our databases to a local server in the office for localized queries/reporting.

    I have just created a new publication and I'm now including stored procedures, indexes, foreign keys, defaults etc. The database is only 2GB in size.

    I kicked it off at 11am and at 12:37pm I had the message "Delivered snapshot".

    About 10 seconds later, the then starts running the whole process again, running the .pre scripts. So far, it has delivered the snapshot 4 times today and is in the process of bulk inserting for the 5th time!

    I'm going to toy with the article properties (indexes, constraints etc) as it worked previously when everything was default.

    But has anyone seen this?

  • Is the snapshot agent scheduled to run periodically? IF so, are there any new articles added to the publication ? or Is anyone marking the subscription for reinitialization ?

    * Noel

  • Hi,

    Thanks for the reply. The snapshot agent was not set to run over and over.

    I have fixed it now though. The settings for copying the insert, delete and update stored procedures to the subscriber was changed to False, but the INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE calls were set to call the stored procedures...I changed that to call the INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE direct and we're all good again.

  • Hmm..... Interesting.

    * Noel

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