2 SQL basic questions

  • First question I have is I have noticed the mdf of our database show a timestamp of 2:00am today, the ldf shows 14Oct 7:15pm.  I did reboot the system on the 14Oct, would this seems right even though there are transactions going on 24/7?  The temp db database also show the same date/time stamp.

    2nd question:

    We run nightly full log and data backup (2 steps), 3 hour differential and 15 min differential log backup

    ->Do differentials append to each other, and then the last one gets committed to the full backup?

    ->Does this process above work the same for the differential log backups?

    ->Does the Full log backup then get commited to the Full Backup w/init?


    Appreciate comments

  • For the first question:- when ever SQL Server is started it goes into recovery. if you open the SQL log file you will see in detail information what it is doing.

    Second question = what Backup tool you are using. i mean to say 3rd party software. all te backups are different then each other & to do the recovery at the point of failure. it as to restore in a sequential manner. please look into the SQL 2000 BOL where Microsoft as explained in a more better way.

  • You need to follow the steps to restore your database.

    1. Restore your database from the most recent FullBackUp File.

    2. Apply the differential backups that were taken after the most recent fullbackup from which the db is restored in the above step.

    3. Apply the transactionlog backups taken after the most recent differential backup.


    Prasad Bhogadi

  • I strongly suggest.. u take a dry test to recover your DB per the DRR plan

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