Implementing multiple keyword search feature in site.. How to????

  • Hi,

    I want to implement a multiple words search feature on my site wherein user will enter something like "regulations leaves employee" in the textbox. I have four tables


    Reason(Reas_Reg_ID, Reason_text),

    Notes(note_Reg_Id, Note_text),

    Eligibility(Elig_Reg_ID, Elig_Text)

    and need to search text in search textbox in the these columns Reg_name, Reason_Text, Note_text, Elig_Text.

    here is the query I am using


    SELECT reg.Reg_Name, reg.State,reg.MaxDuration, reg.Concurrent_Policies, reg.Link, elig.Eligibility_Text, reas.Reason_Text, note.Note_Text FROM (( (Regulations reg inner join Reason reas ON reg.Reg_ID = reas.Reason_Reg_ID and (reg.Reg_Name like '%#txtKeyword#%' or reg.MaxDuration like '%#txtKeyword#%' or reas.Reason_Text like '%#txtKeyword#%') ) inner join Eligibility elig on reg.Reg_ID = elig.Elig_Reg_ID and elig.Eligibility_Text like '%#txtKeyword#%' ) inner JOIN Notes note on reg.Reg_ID = note.Note_Reg_ID and note.Note_Text like '%#txtKeyword#%' )

    I am sorry if code is not indented well, plz copy it in ur text editor and have a look at it.

    My questions are

    1) How ppl implement multiple word search on sites? My initial thinking is you can break the words seperated by spaces into different single/individual words but i am not sure...

    2)Its easy to do search on one table... how to do this on multiple tables?

    Thanks in advance.. I am wondering how search on google shows results even if you enter a sentence with 5-10 words and also does AUTOCHECK of spelling... I wish I could get the logic for this kind of search feature.......

  • Hi

    Try this

    DECLARE @ProdList VARCHAR(100)

    SET @ProdList = 'regulations leaves employee'

    SELECT *

    FROM Regulations AS REG


      ON REG.Reg_ID = REAS.Reason_Reg_Id

      AND ((CHARINDEX(CONVERT(NVARCHAR,REG.Reg_Name),@ProdList) > 0)

      OR (CHARINDEX(CONVERT(NVARCHAR,REG.MaxDuration),@ProdList) > 0)

      OR (CHARINDEX(CONVERT(NVARCHAR,REG.Reason_Text),@ProdList) > 0))

     INNER JOIN Eligibility AS ELIG

      ON REG.Reg_ID = ELIG.Elig_Reg_ID

      AND (CHARINDEX(CONVERT(NVARCHAR,ELIG.Eligibility_Text),@ProdList) > 0)


      ON REG.Reg_ID = NOTE.Note_Reg_ID






  • I think you'll want to avoid any functions like CONVERT and CHARINDEX in your joins/where clauses, as that requires a full table scan in order to get the data so it can be compared;

    whenever possible, you'd want to use the same data type; ie varchar with varchar as well.

    At a minimum, if you are going to use a column in a search like that, make the column part of the CLUSTERED index of the table...if it's clustered, the data is in the index itself, and a query plan would not have to seek or scan the table to do the comparison, i think.

    I think the correct solution isvoves creating a full text catalog, so that you can get a match on "leaves" with leaving/ leave and all the other advantages of a full text catalog;

    there's a decent article here on SSC to get you started:

    Understanding SQL Server Full-Text Search, Part I



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  • Hi,

    Ram your query is almost like mine except that you have used functions.... As for Lowell, I am not sure if I want to do Full-Text Search. I understand about index and how it can speed up and things like that. But I am in the first phase now and I need a RIGHT query to get the results I need. For example when you search on google you get results highlighted by keywords you searched for... so i was wondering if they break the words into individual results or what...

    Anyone knows how to do this??


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