Application Timeout Expired

  • Hi, anyone encounterd timeout expired while running a VB apps on SQL Server 2000. Funny thing is that, only few records got timeout using the same SQL statements.

    Please advise if anyone knows.


  • You can increase your command timeout in the application.

    dim cmd as sqlcommand

    cmd.commandtimeout = 300

    Or you can change it in the connection string.

    data source=xxxx;initial catalog=xxxx;integrated security=SSPI;Connect Timeout=300;

  • Hi, is there a difference between .CommandTimeout and .ConnectionTimeout? Currently the program is set as ConnectTimeout = 30, which means 30seconds right?


  • The connection timeout is how long the app will wait to connect to sql. The command timeout is how long the command will wait for the query results.

  • if you want to wait indefinitely, set the commandtimeout = 0

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