How to list top 10 from a stored procedure?

  • Hi experts,

    I have a stored procedure as following, so how to select top 10 store_num from this sp?  Thank you.



    CREATE Procedure sp_CommunityStoreList


      @ZipCode Numeric(5, 0) = Null



     set nocount on


     Declare @Latitude Float(10)

     Declare @Longitude Float(10)

     -- Lookup longitude, latitude for zip codes

     Select @Latitude = Latitude, @Longitude = Longitude From Zips_Range_Table Where Zip_Code = @ZipCode


      Select  s.Store_Num,s.Store_Address, cast(( 3958.75 * ACos(Sin(@Latitude/57.2958)* Sin(Latitude/57.2958) + Cos(@Latitude/57.2958) * Cos(Latitude/57.2958) * Cos(Longitude/57.2958 - @Longitude/57.2958)))as decimal(10,2)) as Distance


      Zips_Range_Table z, InSightAmKgODS.micros.Store_Table s


      Longitude Is Not Null

      And Latitude Is Not Null

      And (

       3958.75 * ACos(Sin(@Latitude/57.2958) *

       Sin(Latitude/57.2958) +

       Cos(@Latitude/57.2958) *

       Cos(Latitude/57.2958) *

       Cos(Longitude/57.2958 - @Longitude/57.2958))   ) <=20

      And  z.zip_code=s.zip_code and s.co_code=1 and s.store_mgr is not null

     Group by  s.zip_Code, s.store_num, s.store_address,,s.state,cast(( 3958.75 * ACos(Sin(@Latitude/57.2958)* Sin(Latitude/57.2958) + Cos(@Latitude/57.2958) * Cos(Latitude/57.2958) * Cos(Longitude/57.2958 - @Longitude/57.2958)))as decimal(10,2))

    order by distance



  • Use @@Rowcount

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • I think he means ROWCOUNT, not the @@ROWCOUNT system variable. To get the top 10 rows you'd do:


    EXEC sp_CommunityStoreList


    Oh, it's also generally bad format to use "sp_" as a prefix for your procedure names. It causes the server to scan the master database catalogues first before the current database and can cause problems. "sp_" technically refers to System Procedure.

  • This functionality is IMHO not to be implemented in a stored procedure at all: As it have no side-effects it should be programmed as a function. Doing this will give you the ability to SELECT from it directly.


    Best regards,

    Casper Nielsen

  • Furthermore naming your stored procedure as sp_[text] will indicate to the sql engine that it is a system stored procedure which is unintended here I guess.

    For a more comprehensive guide to programming the sql server 2005 you can check out my


  • That's a complex subquery you have there but I have to wonder why you wouldn't use 'Top' to get you results, i.e.


    Select TOP 10 s.Store_Num,s.Store_Address, cast(( 3958.75 * ACos(Sin(@Latitude/57.2958)* Sin(Latitude/57.2958) + Cos(@Latitude/57.2958) * Cos(Latitude/57.2958) * Cos(Longitude/57.2958 - @Longitude/57.2958)))as decimal(10,2)) as Distance


    There is also the possibility that there might be more the one store in this lat/long range, (Where I live for years there where two Vons stores directly across the street from one another. In this case the top ten range might include eleven stores).


    In that case using a subquery to return the top ten lat/long and then selecting all the stores with those lat/long values would do the trick.



  • You beat me to it, Dan. I was just going to suggest using the TOP keyword.


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