• By default win2003 has MS DTC disabled. We have a process that updates two tables by comparing them.I have a linked server in place for it.The first time the process ran it errored out saying 'MS OLE DB cannot begin Distributed Transaction error 7391'.We enabled MS DTC rebooted the server.Again the process failed.So we enabled the Network Access,allowed inbound and outbound calls,enabled xa and then restrarted MS DTC. Still the process doesnt run. I ran the script from Query Analyser specifying the server name when calling the linked server as ''remote ip'' .remoteserver.remotedb.remotetable' But it failed saying could not find server in sysservers.

    What is wrong here.Why does the DTC not work.The environment is a SQL 2000 cluster Active/Passive on Windows 2003 SP2 for server1 and SP1 for server 2.SQL servers are on SP4. The security context of the linked server is gien as a particular login and the imersonate is checked also the RPC in and out are allowed.

    What things should I check to make sure that linked server is properly defined.

    Thanks in advance.


    "Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives."

  • When you execute the following statement under QA it shld list out "remoteip" under name column:

    select * from master..sysservers

    While refering to link server use the following notation:




  • Hi,

    Go to Administrative Tools --> Component Services -> Computers and Right click My Computer and select Refresh all components and see whether you are getting Any Error Message... If not then stop and start MSDTC from there and see how it goes... Ensure that Distribution Transaction Co-ordinator is running with Network Service Account.. Also in the Enterprise Manager --> Support Service, Check the Status of Distribution Tran Coordinator after Restarting the Service...

    My Blog ->

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