using Windows authentication with asp

  • We're upgrading to Sql Server 2005 and our Sys Admin wants to use Windows authentication. I have a special domain account that has access to the web server & the sql server. The OS on both machines is Windows 2003.

    I have it working for an ASP.NET app using a pool, but I can't find anything on how to connect to Sql Server from an asp using a specific account for a trusted connection. I found the Microsoft article "Authentication methods for connections to SQL Server in Active Server Pages", but I think that just makes it try to connect using the machine account that runs asp.

    Is there any way to use a domain account is asp without having the username and password in the connection string?


  • Linda,

    Not really sure how you mean access using ASP.Net, but in my case all asp pages are contained in website on webserver running IIS and the website connects to the database server using a domain account. Here are the steps...roughly.

    1. Create a domain user account

    2. In my case logging into the website is controlled by the website itself, but connection to the database server is controlled by a Domain Windows User Account, so, on the webserver under IIS, open the properties of the website, select Directory Security and Edit Authentication and access control, check Enable anonoymous access and enter the Windows user account details and check the Integrated Windows authentication check box.

    3. Also on the webserver, you'll need to provide the appropriate access to the physical directory where the website resides. In my case the user needs to create temp and permanent files on the server, so we added it to the local admin group, but this isn't recommended from a security point of view. Also check that the user is able to access the computer in User Right Assignments under the Local Security Settings.

    4. On the database server you'll also need to check that the user is able to access the computer in User Right Assignments under the Local Security Settings.

    5. On the database server in SSMS, under Security, create a new login using the domain user account details, select the database\s to be accessed and assign the appropriate roles for each database.

    Basically thats it.

    Cheers, Col

  • That sounds like what I need. With directions I can understand. 🙂



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