Error log

  • NT Event Log : MSSQLSERVER A system assertion check has failed. Check the SQL Server error log for details.

    This was the message that I found, can some one assist me. or lead me with some info pls?


  • Have a look at the error log in SSMS , under Management --> SQL Server Logs, and see what errors that has thrown, this should give you better information.

  • steveb (7/28/2008)

    Have a look at the error log in SSMS , under Management --> SQL Server Logs, and see what errors that has thrown, this should give you better information.

    Hi thanks,

    Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON'. [CLIENT:]

    This is the message from sql server logs

    Any suggestions

  • Are there any error codes listed under that statement;

    eg. Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 8.

    this will tell you why the login failed

  • Thanks Steve,


    BugCheck Dump


    This file is generated by Microsoft SQL Server

    version 9.00.3042.00

    upon detection of fatal unexpected error. Please return this file,

    the query or program that produced the bugcheck, the database and

    the error log, and any other pertinent information with a Service Request.

    Computer type is AT/AT COMPATIBLE.

    Current time is 09:15:00 07/28/08.

    8 Unknown CPU 9., 3169 Mhz processor (s).

    Windows NT 5.2 Build 3790 CSD Service Pack 1.


    MemoryLoad = 76%

    Total Physical = 8190 MB

    Available Physical = 1899 MB

    Total Page File = 9796 MB

    Available Page File = 4183 MB

    Total Virtual = 8388607 MB

    Available Virtual = 8380028 MB

    **Dump thread - spid = 83, PSS = 0x000000009DD65C00, EC = 0x000000009DD65C10

    ***Stack Dump being sent to E:\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\LOG\SQLDump0004.txt

    * *******************************************************************************



    * 07/28/08 09:15:00 spid 83


    * Location: IndexDataSet.cpp:18180

    * Expression: LCK_SUCCESS (result)

    * SPID: 83

    * Process ID: 4124


    * Input Buffer 76 bytes -

    * exec bts_PurgeSubscriptions




    * sqlservr 0000000001000000 0000000003501FFF 02502000

    * ntdll 0000000078EC0000 0000000078FF8FFF 00139000

    * kernel32 0000000077D40000 0000000077EB2FFF 00173000

    * MSVCR80 0000000078130000 00000000781FEFFF 000cf000

    * msvcrt 000007FF7FC00000 000007FF7FC85FFF 00086000

    * MSVCP80 000000007C420000 000000007C530FFF 00111000

    * ADVAPI32 000007FF7FEE0000 000007FF7FFE4FFF 00105000

    * RPCRT4 000007FF7FD30000 000007FF7FED8FFF 001a9000

    * USER32 0000000077C20000 0000000077D2BFFF 0010c000

    * GDI32 000007FF7FC90000 000007FF7FD29FFF 0009a000

    * CRYPT32 000007FF7D180000 000007FF7D2DEFFF 0015f000

    * MSASN1 000007FF7D150000 000007FF7D179FFF 0002a000

    * Secur32 000007FF7E7F0000 000007FF7E811FFF 00022000

    * MSWSOCK 000007FF76FE0000 000007FF7705BFFF 0007c000

    * WS2_32 000007FF77150000 000007FF7717FFFF 00030000

    * WS2HELP 000007FF77140000 000007FF7714BFFF 0000c000

    * USERENV 000007FF7C4A0000 000007FF7C5A8FFF 00109000

    * opends60 00000000333E0000 00000000333E7FFF 00008000

    * NETAPI32 000007FF77370000 000007FF77407FFF 00098000

    * SHELL32 000007FF7F190000 000007FF7FB97FFF 00a08000

    * SHLWAPI 000007FF7EF60000 000007FF7EFFAFFF 0009b000

    * comctl32 000007FF7F000000 000007FF7F186FFF 00187000

    * psapi 000007FF7E1B0000 000007FF7E1BFFFF 00010000

    * instapi 0000000048060000 000000004806CFFF 0000d000

    * CLUSAPI 000007FF7B1C0000 000007FF7B1E3FFF 00024000

    * ole32 000007FF7ECE0000 000007FF7EF51FFF 00272000

    * OLEAUT32 000007FF7EBC0000 000007FF7ECD3FFF 00114000

    * RESUTILS 000007FF7B310000 000007FF7B32BFFF 0001c000

    * sqlevn70 000000004F610000 000000004F7B8FFF 001a9000

    * SQLOS 00000000344D0000 00000000344D5FFF 00006000

    * rsaenh 000000000FFB0000 000000000FFEDFFF 0003e000

    * AUTHZ 000007FF7E2C0000 000007FF7E2ECFFF 0002d000

    * MSCOREE 000006427EE50000 000006427EEC3FFF 00074000

    * msv1_0 000007FF7E330000 000007FF7E373FFF 00044000

    * iphlpapi 000007FF57250000 000007FF57280FFF 00031000

    * kerberos 000007FF77410000 000007FF774C2FFF 000b3000

    * cryptdll 000007FF7DAB0000 000007FF7DABEFFF 0000f000

    * schannel 000007FF7DD50000 000007FF7DD90FFF 00041000

    * COMRES 000007FF7E920000 000007FF7E9E5FFF 000c6000

    * XOLEHLP 000007FF5C560000 000007FF5C566FFF 00007000

    * MSDTCPRX 000007FF67140000 000007FF67210FFF 000d1000

    * msvcp60 0000000009A60000 0000000009B49FFF 000ea000

    * MTXCLU 000007FF7B540000 000007FF7B569FFF 0002a000

    * VERSION 000007FF7FBF0000 000007FF7FBFAFFF 0000b000

    * WSOCK32 000007FF770F0000 000007FF770F9FFF 0000a000

    * DNSAPI 0000000009B60000 0000000009BADFFF 0004e000

    * winrnr 000007FF7E820000 000007FF7E82AFFF 0000b000

    * WLDAP32 000007FF7E780000 000007FF7E7E5FFF 00066000

    * rasadhlp 000007FF7EA00000 000007FF7EA06FFF 00007000

    * hnetcfg 000007FF6D1F0000 000007FF6D280FFF 00091000

    * wshtcpip 000007FF76FA0000 000007FF76FAAFFF 0000b000

    * security 000007FF77530000 000007FF77534FFF 00005000

    * msfte 0000000049980000 0000000049D2DFFF 003ae000

    * dbghelp 000000000C5D0000 000000000C72CFFF 0015d000

    * WINTRUST 000007FF7E210000 000007FF7E25DFFF 0004e000

    * imagehlp 000007FF7E2A0000 000007FF7E2B2FFF 00013000

    * dssenh 000000000FF70000 000000000FFABFFF 0003c000

    * NTMARTA 000007FF7E2F0000 000007FF7E32BFFF 0003c000

    * SAMLIB 000007FF76F80000 000007FF76F95FFF 00016000

    * ntdsapi 000007FF7DAD0000 000007FF7DAF3FFF 00024000

    * xpsp2res 000007FF5C210000 000007FF5C4D6FFF 002c7000

    * CLBCatQ 000007FF7EA10000 000007FF7EAECFFF 000dd000

    * sqlncli 00000000337A0000 0000000033A5FFFF 002c0000

    * COMCTL32 000007FF76200000 000007FF762EDFFF 000ee000

    * comdlg32 000007FF7D360000 000007FF7D3D6FFF 00077000

    * SQLNCLIR 0000000035000000 0000000035032FFF 00033000

    * msftepxy 0000000003640000 0000000003660FFF 00021000

    * xpsqlbot 000000004A7C0000 000000004A7C7FFF 00008000

    * xpstar90 0000000053C30000 0000000053CB5FFF 00086000

    * SQLSCM90 0000000053AD0000 0000000053ADBFFF 0000c000

    * ODBC32 000007FF63EB0000 000007FF63F16FFF 00067000

    * BatchParser90 00000000520C0000 00000000520ECFFF 0002d000

    * ATL80 000000007C630000 000000007C64DFFF 0001e000

    * odbcint 000007FF63DC0000 000007FF63DD7FFF 00018000

    * xpstar90 000000000FE90000 000000000FEB5FFF 00026000

    * xplog70 0000000034730000 000000003473FFFF 00010000

    * xplog70 000000000FED0000 000000000FED2FFF 00003000


    * P1Home: 0000000000000001:

    * P2Home: 000000001B3FB9B0: 0030003100430035 000000000000000A 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 00000000

    00000030 0000000000000000

    * P3Home: 0000000000000000:

    * P4Home: 0000000078EF4942: 00000320249C8B48 0000031824B48B48 0000031024BC8B48 0000030824A48B4C 00000300

    24AC8B4C 000002F824B48B4C

    * P5Home: 0000000001014638: 000000000188FC30 00001E40E9CA8B48 08E9000001000E81 9090909090FFFFAE 90909090

    90909090 28EC83485753C08B

    * P6Home: 0000000000000000:

    * ContextFlags: 000000000010000F:

    * MxCsr: 0000000000001FA0:

    * SegCs: 0000000000000033:

    * SegDs: 000000000000002B:

    * SegEs: 000000000000002B:

    * SegFs: 0000000000000053:

    * SegGs: 000000000000002B:

    * SegSs: 000000000000002B:

    * EFlags: 0000000000000206:

    * Rax: 000000001B3FBA38: 0000000077D67D4D 000000000EF48E80 0000000000000000 000000001B3FBCF0 00000000

    9DD65C00 00000000000042AC

    * Rcx: 000000001B3FB560: 0000000000000001 000000001B3FB9B0 0000000000000000 0000000078EF4942 00000000

    01014638 0000000000000000

    * Rdx: 0000000000000000:

    * Rbx: 0000000000000000:

    * Rsp: 000000001B3FBA40: 000000000EF48E80 0000000000000000 000000001B3FBCF0 000000009DD65C00 00000000

    000042AC 0000000000000000

    * Rbp: 000000001B3FD1B0: 0000000000004704 00000000E3224560 000003E500000001 0000000000000001 00000000

    00000000 000000000101E967

    * Rsi: 000000001B3FBCF0: 000000000EF48E80 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 000000012490E930 B168B3F4

    D6F99206 EDD649D37AFE8D48

    * Rdi: 000000009DD65C00: 000000009DD64B00 0000000000000000 000000009DD65C00 0000000000000000 00000000

    00000000 000000009DD65C28

    * R8: 0000000000000000:

    * R9: 0000000000000000:

    * R10: 0000000000000000:

    * R11: 000000001B3FC230: 0000000000000001 000000001B3FB9B0 0000000000000000 0000000078EF4942 00000000

    01014638 0000000000000000

    * R12: 000000000000003F:

    * R13: 000000009DD65C10: 000000009DD65C00 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 000000009DD65C28 00000000

    9DD65C28 000000009DD65C38

    * R14: 000000001B3FD0E0: 00610063006F004C 006E006F00690074 004900200009003A 007800650064006E 00610074

    00610044 002E007400650053

    * R15: 0000000000000001:

    * Rip: 0000000077D67D4D: C3000000C8C48148 15FF984B8D49D233 8699E990FFFD971F 9090909090900000 834853C0

    8B909090 0C0D8A158B4830EC

    * *******************************************************************************

    * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    * Short Stack Dump

    0000000077D67D4D Module(kernel32+0000000000027D4D)

    0000000001D345DE Module(sqlservr+0000000000D345DE)

    0000000001D3F3A9 Module(sqlservr+0000000000D3F3A9)

    000000000247E28C Module(sqlservr+000000000147E28C)

    000000000177E77F Module(sqlservr+000000000077E77F)

    00000000014763DB Module(sqlservr+00000000004763DB)

    00000000010BC979 Module(sqlservr+00000000000BC979)

    0000000001089B6A Module(sqlservr+0000000000089B6A)

    0000000001089A48 Module(sqlservr+0000000000089A48)

    000000000224D1E0 Module(sqlservr+000000000124D1E0)

    000000000224D25C Module(sqlservr+000000000124D25C)

    0000000001852A1D Module(sqlservr+0000000000852A1D)

    0000000001024009 Module(sqlservr+0000000000024009)

    0000000001079636 Module(sqlservr+0000000000079636)

    0000000001078E07 Module(sqlservr+0000000000078E07)

    000000000102F94A Module(sqlservr+000000000002F94A)

    000000000102F375 Module(sqlservr+000000000002F375)

    000000000140EC06 Module(sqlservr+000000000040EC06)

    000000000140EA93 Module(sqlservr+000000000040EA93)

    000000000140E950 Module(sqlservr+000000000040E950)

    0000000001020C4E Module(sqlservr+0000000000020C4E)

    000000000102F94A Module(sqlservr+000000000002F94A)

    000000000102F375 Module(sqlservr+000000000002F375)

    0000000001030872 Module(sqlservr+0000000000030872)

    0000000001270CE7 Module(sqlservr+0000000000270CE7)

    000000000100685E Module(sqlservr+000000000000685E)

    0000000001006F11 Module(sqlservr+0000000000006F11)

    0000000001006A01 Module(sqlservr+0000000000006A01)

    00000000010EF7A7 Module(sqlservr+00000000000EF7A7)

    00000000010F051A Module(sqlservr+00000000000F051A)

    00000000010F03F1 Module(sqlservr+00000000000F03F1)

    00000000010F0289 Module(sqlservr+00000000000F0289)

    00000000781337A7 Module(MSVCR80+00000000000037A7)

    0000000078133864 Module(MSVCR80+0000000000003864)

    0000000077D6B69A Module(kernel32+000000000002B69A)

    PSS @0x000000009DD65C00


    CSession @0x000000009DD64410


    m_spid = 83 m_cRef = 12 m_rgcRefType[0] = 1

    m_rgcRefType[1] = 1 m_rgcRefType[2] = 9 m_rgcRefType[3] = 1

    m_rgcRefType[4] = 0 m_rgcRefType[5] = 0 m_pmo = 0x000000009DD64080

    m_pstackBhfPool = 0x00000000C88E6CC0 m_dwLoginFlags = 0x83e0 m_fBackground = 0

    m_fClientRequestConnReset = 0 m_fUserProc = -1 m_fConnReset = 0

    m_fIsConnReset = 0 m_fInLogin = 0 m_fAuditLoginSent = 1

    m_fAuditLoginFailedSent = 0 m_fReplRelease = 0 m_fKill = 0

    m_ulLoginStamp = 10765194 m_eclClient = 5 m_protType = 5




    0000000000000000: 62010000 02000972 00100000 00000007 78080000 †b......r........x...

    0000000000000014: 00000000 e0830000 4cffffff 09040000 5e000a00 †........L.......^...

    0000000000000028: 00000000 00000000 72004900 04010000 00000000 †........r.I.........

    000000000000003C: 04010400 0c010000 0c010f00 00145e7b 44062a01 †..............^{D.*.

    0000000000000050: 38002a01 00000000 00000000 0000†††††††††††††††8.*...........

    CPhysicalConnection @0x000000009DD642E0


    m_pPhyConn->m_pmo = 0x000000009DD64080

    m_pPhyConn->m_pNetConn = 0x000000009DD64B00

    m_pPhyConn->m_pConnList = 0x000000009DD643E0

    m_pPhyConn->m_pSess = 0x000000009DD64410 m_pPhyConn->m_fTracked = -1

    m_pPhyConn->m_cbPacketsize = 4096 m_pPhyConn->m_fMars = 0 m_pPhyConn->m_fKill = 0

    CBatch @0x000000009DD64FD0


    m_pSess = 0x000000009DD64410 m_pConn = 0x000000009DD64EC0 m_cRef = 3

    m_rgcRefType[0] = 1 m_rgcRefType[1] = 1 m_rgcRefType[2] = 1

    m_rgcRefType[3] = 0 m_rgcRefType[4] = 0 m_pTask = 0x0000000000C2EEF8

    EXCEPT (null) @0x000000001B3FB268


    exc_number = 0 exc_severity = 0 exc_func = 0x0000000001873F50

    Task @0x0000000000C2EEF8


    CPU Ticks used (ms) = 103 Task State = 2

    WAITINFO_INTERNAL: WaitResource = 0x0000000000000000 WAITINFO_INTERNAL: WaitType = 0x0

    WAITINFO_INTERNAL: WaitSpinlock = 0x0000000000000000 SchedulerId = 0x0

    ThreadId = 0x360 m_state = 0 m_eAbortSev = 0

    EC @0x000000009DD65C10


    spid = 83 ecid = 0 ec_stat = 0x0

    ec_stat2 = 0x0 ec_atomic = 0x0 __fSubProc = 1

    ec_dbccContext = 0x0000000000000000 __pSETLS = 0x000000009DD64F30 __pSEParams = 0x000000009DD65350

    __pDbLocks = 0x000000009DD65CD0

    SEInternalTLS @0x000000009DD64F30


    m_flags = 0 m_TLSstatus = 3 m_owningTask = 0x0000000000C2EEF8

    m_activeHeapDatasetList = 0x000000009DD64F30

    m_activeIndexDatasetList = 0x000000009DD64F40

    SEParams @0x000000009DD65350


    m_lockTimeout = -1 m_isoLevel = 4096 m_logDontReplicate = 0

    m_neverReplicate = 0 m_XactWorkspace = 0x00000000A531B190

    m_pSessionLocks = 0x000000009DD65D80 m_pDbLocks = 0x000000009DD65CD0

    m_execStats = 0x0000000088C44E40 m_pAllocFileLimit = 0x0000000000000000

    Guys, I found this in E:\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\LOG

    Any idea..

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

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