XML Workshop XXII - A TSQL RSS Library

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item XML Workshop XXII - A TSQL RSS Library


  • Nice article. Well written.

  • Excellent Article.

    I like the idea of the RSS feed. Can someone give me a link on how/what to do with this xml output so that my subscribers can see/reed it? I assume it needs to be uploaded somewhere. Do I need an RSS server?


  • At the basic level, you can create a web page that serves the XML document. This article explains how to access the results of the query from ADO.NET: http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/XML/62054/

    Your web page can execute the query, retrieve the XML document and serve it.


  • OK, so how do I generate feeds with multiple channels, or multiple channel titles, in a single XML output? I can't figure out how to coorelate the channel or channel title with the item listings without running a cursor


  • The code presented in this article creates RSS feeds with a single channel. All the feeds I have seen so far contains only one channel. If you really need to create feeds with multiple channels, this code may not help you.


  • OK, how about multiple titles in a single channel? Multiple Authors in your example?


  • The example given in my post follows the rules defined by the RSS specification: http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/rss/rss.html

    The feeds generated are validated by http://www.feedvalidator.org.

    If you want a customized version of the XML with additional elements/attributes, you might need to change the code and make the required corrections.


  • If you want to generate MRSS feeds for video and/or audio files to be fed into yahoo and/or google/youtube, you need to add a few more fields to the RSS, see http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/ and http://code.google.com/apis/youtube/reference.html#Media_RSS_elements_reference. Here is a template with tables, stored procedure and some test data for the most used items. If you want to implement the full specs including elements which may repeat, some more work is needed....

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Channels](

    [ID] [smallint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [Title] [nvarchar](500) NOT NULL,

    [Link] [varchar](250) NOT NULL,

    [Description] [nvarchar](max) NOT NULL,

    [WebmasterEmail] [nvarchar](250) NULL,

    [ManagingEditorEmail] [nvarchar](250) NULL,

    [Language] [varchar](20) NULL,

    [ImageUrl] [varchar](250) NULL,

    [ImageTitle] [nvarchar](500) NULL,

    [ImageLink] [varchar](250) NULL,

    [ImageWidth] [int] NULL,

    [ImageHeight] [int] NULL,

    [Copyright] [nvarchar](250) NULL,

    [LastBuildDate] [datetime] NULL,

    [PubDate] [datetime] NULL,

    [TtlMinutes] [int] NULL,



    [ID] ASC

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Items](

    [ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [Channel_ID] [smallint] NOT NULL,

    [Title] [nvarchar](250) NOT NULL,

    [Link] [varchar](250) NOT NULL,

    [Description] [nvarchar](max) NOT NULL,

    [GuidLink] [varchar](250) NOT NULL,

    [PubDate] [datetime] NULL,

    [AuthorEmail] [nvarchar](250) NULL,

    [CommentsLink] [varchar](250) NULL,

    [Category] [varchar](250) NULL,

    [EnclosureLengthBytes] [int] NULL,

    [EnclosureTypeMime] [varchar](50) NULL,

    [EnclosureUrl] [varchar](250) NULL,



    [ID] ASC

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Media](

    [ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [Item_ID] [int] NOT NULL,

    [Title] [nvarchar](60) NOT NULL,

    [Description] [nvarchar](max) NOT NULL,

    [Keywords] [varchar](250) NULL,

    [Category] [varchar](250) NULL,

    [PlayerLink] [varchar](250) NULL,

    [ThumbnailLink] [varchar](250) NULL,

    [ThumbnailHeight] [smallint] NULL,

    [ThumbnailWidth] [smallint] NULL,

    [ContentLink] [varchar](250) NOT NULL,

    [ContentFileSizeBytes] [int] NULL,

    [ContentType] [varchar](50) NULL,

    [ContentMedium] [varchar](10) NULL,

    [ContentExpression] [varchar](7) NULL,

    [ContentYtFormat] [tinyint] NULL,

    [ContentDurationSecs] [int] NULL,

    [ContentLang] [varchar](11) NULL,

    [Copyright] [nvarchar](250) NULL,

    [Author] [nvarchar](50) NULL,

    [Actor] [nvarchar](50) NULL,

    [Artist] [nvarchar](50) NULL,

    [Producer] [nvarchar](50) NULL,

    [Director] [nvarchar](50) NULL,

    [Text] [nvarchar](max) NULL,



    [ID] ASC

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    ) ON [PRIMARY]



    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Items] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_Items_Channels] FOREIGN KEY([Channel_ID])

    REFERENCES [dbo].[Channels] ([ID])




    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Items] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_Items_Channels]



    REFERENCES [dbo].[Items] ([ID])




    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Media] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_Media_Items]


    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[CreateRssXmlForChannel]

    @Channel smallint



    -- EXECUTE [CreateRssXmlForChannel] @Channel = 2


    WITH XMLNAMESPACES('http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/' as media)

    SELECT'2.0' AS '@version',



    Title AS title,

    Link AS link,

    [Description] AS description,

    WebmasterEmail AS webMaster,

    ManagingEditorEmail AS managingEditor,

    ISNULL([Language], 'en-us') AS language,

    ImageUrl AS 'image/url',

    ImageTitle AS 'image/title',

    ImageLink AS 'image/link',

    ImageWidth AS 'image/width',

    ImageHeight AS 'image/height',

    Copyright AS copyright,

    LEFT(DATENAME(dw, ISNULL(LastBuildDate,GETDATE())),3) + ', ' +

    STUFF(CONVERT(nvarchar,ISNULL(LastBuildDate,GETDATE()),113),21,4,' GMT')

    AS lastBuildDate,

    LEFT(DATENAME(dw, ISNULL(PubDate,GETDATE())),3) + ', ' +

    STUFF(CONVERT(nvarchar,ISNULL(PubDate,GETDATE()),113),21,4,' GMT')

    AS PubDate,

    TtlMinutes AS ttl,



    Title AS title,

    Link AS link,

    [Description] AS description,

    CASE WHEN ISNULL(guidLink, Link) IS NULL THEN NULL ELSE 'true' END AS 'guid/@isPermaLink',

    ISNULL(GuidLink, Link) AS guid,

    LEFT(DATENAME(dw, ISNULL(PubDate,GETDATE())),3) + ', ' +

    STUFF(CONVERT(nvarchar,ISNULL(PubDate,GETDATE()),113),21,4,' GMT')

    AS pubDate,

    AuthorEmail AS author,

    CommentsLink AS comments,

    Category AS category,

    EnclosureLengthBytes AS 'enclosure/@length',

    EnclosureTypeMime AS 'enclosure/@type',

    EnclosureUrl AS 'enclosure/@url',



    [ContentLink] AS '@url'

    , [ContentFileSizeBytes] AS '@fileSize'

    , [ContentType] AS '@type'

    , [ContentMedium] AS '@medium'

    , [ContentExpression] AS '@expession'

    --, [ContentYtFormat] AS '@yt:format'

    , [ContentDurationSecs] AS '@duration'

    , [ContentLang] AS '@lang'

    , [Title] AS 'media:title'

    , [Description] AS 'media:description'

    , [Keywords] AS 'media:keywords'

    , [Category] AS 'media:category'

    , [PlayerLink] AS 'media:player/@url'

    , [ThumbnailLink] AS 'media:thumbnail/@url'

    , [ThumbnailHeight] AS 'media:thumbnail/@height'

    , [ThumbnailWidth] AS 'media:thumbnail/@width'

    , [Copyright] AS 'media:copyright'

    , 'author' AS 'media:credit/@role'

    , [Author] AS 'media:credit'

    , ''

    , 'actor' AS 'media:credit/@role'

    , [Actor] AS 'media:credit'

    , ''

    , 'artist' AS 'media:credit/@role'

    , [Artist] AS 'media:credit'

    , ''

    , 'producer' AS 'media:credit/@role'

    , [Producer] AS 'media:credit'

    , ''

    , 'director' AS 'media:credit/@role'

    , [Director] AS 'media:credit'

    , [Text] AS 'media:text'

    FROM [Media]

    where Item_ID = Items.ID

    FOR XML PATH('media:content'), TYPE


    FROM Items

    where Channel_ID = Channels.ID

    FOR XML PATH('item'), TYPE


    FROM Channels

    WHERE ID = @Channel

    FOR XML PATH('channel'), TYPE


    FOR XML PATH('rss')



    SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Channels] ON

    INSERT [dbo].[Channels] ([ID], [Title], [Link], [Description], [WebmasterEmail], [ManagingEditorEmail], [Language], [ImageUrl], [ImageTitle], [ImageLink], [ImageWidth], [ImageHeight], [Copyright], [LastBuildDate], [PubDate], [TtlMinutes]) VALUES (1, N'Videos with Eva-Christina Binder', N'http://www.ecbinder.com/DE/Videos.aspx', N'Eva-Christina Binder is an Austrian actress. This channel contains her showreel as well as trailers from her films and videos from TV and theatre performances.', N'bjoern@osh.at (Björn Steinmetz)', N'bjoern@osh.at (Björn Steinmetz)', N'de-at', N'http://www.ecbinder.com/Fotos/PortraitsGal/source/09%20Eva-Christina%20Binder%20Portrait%20DSCF2741.jpg', N'Portraitfoto von Eva-Christina Binder', N'http://www.ecbinder.com/', NULL, NULL, N'(C) 2008 Eva-Christina Binder', CAST(0x00009B2800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009B2800000000 AS DateTime), 1500)

    INSERT [dbo].[Channels] ([ID], [Title], [Link], [Description], [WebmasterEmail], [ManagingEditorEmail], [Language], [ImageUrl], [ImageTitle], [ImageLink], [ImageWidth], [ImageHeight], [Copyright], [LastBuildDate], [PubDate], [TtlMinutes]) VALUES (2, N'MP3 audios spoken by Eva-Christina Binder', N'http://www.ecbinder.com/DE/Hoerproben.aspx', N'Eva-Christina Binder is an Austrian actress. This channel contains MP3 audio files with stories and poems spoken by her.', N'bjoern@osh.at (Björn Steinmetz)', N'bjoern@osh.at (Björn Steinmetz)', N'en-gb', N'http://www.ecbinder.com/Fotos/PortraitsGal/source/08%20Eva-Christina%20Binder%20Portrait%20DSCF0653.jpg', N'Portraitfoto von Eva-Christina Binder', N'http://www.ecbinder.com/', NULL, NULL, N'(C) 2008 Eva-Christina Binder', CAST(0x00009B2800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009B2800000000 AS DateTime), 1500)

    SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Channels] OFF


    SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Items] ON

    INSERT [dbo].[Items] ([ID], [Channel_ID], [Title], [Link], [Description], [GuidLink], [PubDate], [AuthorEmail], [CommentsLink], [Category], [EnclosureLengthBytes], [EnclosureTypeMime], [EnclosureUrl]) VALUES (4, 2, N'Mutability', N'http://www.ecbinder.com/DE/Hoerproben.aspx', N'A poem by one of the major English romantic poets, considered to be among the finest lyric poets in the English language. Read by Eva-Christina Binder.', N'http://www.ecbinder.com/MP3s/Mary%20Sheley%20-%20Mutability.mp3', CAST(0x00009B29010D1B45 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, N'Entertainment/Poetry', 598656, N'audio/mpeg', N'http://www.ecbinder.com/MP3s/Mary%20Sheley%20-%20Mutability.mp3')

    INSERT [dbo].[Items] ([ID], [Channel_ID], [Title], [Link], [Description], [GuidLink], [PubDate], [AuthorEmail], [CommentsLink], [Category], [EnclosureLengthBytes], [EnclosureTypeMime], [EnclosureUrl]) VALUES (5, 2, N'Max und Moritz - Vierter Streich', N'http://www.ecbinder.com/DE/Hoerproben.aspx', N'Lehrer Lämpel wird von Max und Moritz mit einer Sprengpfeife außer Gefecht gesetzt. Wilde Geschichte des vierten Streichs der beiden Lümmel. Klassiker geschrieben von Wilhelm Busch, gelesen von Eva-Christina Binder.', N'http://www.ecbinder.com/MP3s/Busch%20-%20Max%20ud%20Moritz%20-%20Streich%204.MP3', CAST(0x00009B290115F537 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, N'Entertainment/Poetry', 3259392, N'audio/mpeg', N'http://www.ecbinder.com/MP3s/Busch%20-%20Max%20ud%20Moritz%20-%20Streich%204.MP3')

    INSERT [dbo].[Items] ([ID], [Channel_ID], [Title], [Link], [Description], [GuidLink], [PubDate], [AuthorEmail], [CommentsLink], [Category], [EnclosureLengthBytes], [EnclosureTypeMime], [EnclosureUrl]) VALUES (6, 1, N'Showreel', N'http://www.ecbinder.com/DE/Videos.aspx', N'Showreel of Eva-Christina Binder with various outtakes from TV and theatre.', N'http://www.ecbinder.com/Videos/Showreel640x480.flv', CAST(0x00009B290131ABA1 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, N'Entertainment', NULL, N'application/x-shockwave-flash', N'http://www.ecbinder.com/Videos/Showreel640x480.flv')

    INSERT [dbo].[Items] ([ID], [Channel_ID], [Title], [Link], [Description], [GuidLink], [PubDate], [AuthorEmail], [CommentsLink], [Category], [EnclosureLengthBytes], [EnclosureTypeMime], [EnclosureUrl]) VALUES (7, 1, N'Occupied', N'http://www.ecbinder.com/', N'Trailer of the short film "occupied" with Eva-Christina Binder. The film won awards at several competitions: GIAA 2008 (New York), Videonale 2008, Kawasaki 2007 (Japan), Malta 2007 and many more!', N'http://www.ecbinder.com/Videos/occupied-trailer-E.wmv', CAST(0x00009B2901336255 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, N'Entertainment', NULL, N'Windows Media Audio/Video file', N'http://www.ecbinder.com/Videos/occupied-trailer-E.wmv')



    SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Media] ON;

    INSERT [dbo].[Media] ([ID], [Item_ID], [Title], [Description], [Keywords], [Category], [PlayerLink], [ThumbnailLink], [ThumbnailHeight], [ThumbnailWidth], [ContentLink], [ContentFileSizeBytes], [ContentType], [ContentMedium], [ContentExpression], [ContentYtFormat], [ContentDurationSecs], [ContentLang], [Copyright], [Author], [Actor], [Artist], [Producer], [Director], [Text]) VALUES (5, 6, N'Showreel', N'Showreel of Eva-Christina Binder with various outtakes from TV and theatre.', N'Eva-Christina Binder, Showreel', N'Entertainment', N'http://www.ecbinder.com/', N'http://www.ecbinder.com/Videos/showreelSmall.png', NULL, NULL, N'http://www.ecbinder.com/Videos/Showreel640x480.flv', NULL, N'video/flv', N'video', N'full', 5, NULL, N'de-at', N'(C) 2008 Eva-Christina Binder', NULL, N'Eva-Christina Binder', N'Eva-Christina Binder', NULL, NULL, NULL);

    INSERT [dbo].[Media] ([ID], [Item_ID], [Title], [Description], [Keywords], [Category], [PlayerLink], [ThumbnailLink], [ThumbnailHeight], [ThumbnailWidth], [ContentLink], [ContentFileSizeBytes], [ContentType], [ContentMedium], [ContentExpression], [ContentYtFormat], [ContentDurationSecs], [ContentLang], [Copyright], [Author], [Actor], [Artist], [Producer], [Director], [Text]) VALUES (6, 7, N'Occupied', N'Trailer of the short film "occupied" with Eva-Christina Binder. The film won awards at several competitions: GIAA 2008 (New York), Videonale 2008, Kawasaki 2007 (Japan), Malta 2007 and many more!', N'Eva-Christina Binder, Occupied, Short Film, Awarad Winning', N'Entertainment', N'http://www.ecbinder.com/', N'http://www.ecbinder.com/Videos/Occupied.jpg', NULL, NULL, N'http://www.ecbinder.com/Videos/occupied-trailer-E.wmv', NULL, N'video/wmv', N'video', N'full', 5, NULL, N'en-us', N'(C) 2006 Filius FIl', N'Christian Filek', N'Eva-Christina Binder', N'Eva-Christina Binder', N'Christian Filek', N'www.filiusfilm.com', NULL);

    INSERT [dbo].[Media] ([ID], [Item_ID], [Title], [Description], [Keywords], [Category], [PlayerLink], [ThumbnailLink], [ThumbnailHeight], [ThumbnailWidth], [ContentLink], [ContentFileSizeBytes], [ContentType], [ContentMedium], [ContentExpression], [ContentYtFormat], [ContentDurationSecs], [ContentLang], [Copyright], [Author], [Actor], [Artist], [Producer], [Director], [Text]) VALUES (3, 4, N'Mutability', N'A poem by one of the major English romantic poets, considered to be among the finest lyric poets in the English language. Read by Eva-Christina Binder.', N'Percy Bysshe Shelley, Mutability, Poem, Eva-Christina Binder', N'Entertainment/Poetry', N'http://www.ecbinder.com/DE/Hoerproben.aspx', N'http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/07/Portrait_of_Percy_Bysshe_Shelley_by_Curran%2C_1819.jpg', 385, 30, N'http://www.ecbinder.com/MP3s/Mary%20Sheley%20-%20Mutability.mp3', 598656, N'audio/mpeg', N'audio', N'full', 5, NULL, N'en-gb', N'(C) 2008 Eva-Christina Binder', N'Percy Bysshe Shelley', N'Eva-Christina Binder', N'Eva-Christina Binder', N'Björn Steinmetz', N'Björn Steinmetz', N'We are as clouds that veil the midnight moon;

    How restlessly they speed, and gleam, and quiver,

    Streaking the darkness radiantly! - yet soon

    Night closes round, and they are lost for ever.

    Or like forgotten lyres, whose dissonant strings

    Give various response to each varying blast,

    To whose frail frame no second motion brings

    One mood or modulation like the last.

    We rest. - A dream has power to poison sleep;

    We rise. - One wandering thought pollutes the day;

    We feel, conceive or reason; laugh or weep;

    Embrace fond woe, or cast our cares away:

    It is the same! - For, be it joy or sorrow,

    The path of its departure still is free:

    Man''s yesterday may ne''er be like his morrow;

    Nought may endure but Mutability.')

    INSERT [dbo].[Media] ([ID], [Item_ID], [Title], [Description], [Keywords], [Category], [PlayerLink], [ThumbnailLink], [ThumbnailHeight], [ThumbnailWidth], [ContentLink], [ContentFileSizeBytes], [ContentType], [ContentMedium], [ContentExpression], [ContentYtFormat], [ContentDurationSecs], [ContentLang], [Copyright], [Author], [Actor], [Artist], [Producer], [Director], [Text]) VALUES (4, 5, N'Max und Moritz - Vierter Streich', N'Lehrer Lämpel wird von Max und Moritz mit einer Sprengpfeife außer Gefecht gesetzt. Wilde Geschichte des vierten Streichs der beiden Lümmel. Klassiker geschrieben von Wilhelm Busch, gelesen von Eva-Christina Binder.', N'Wilhelm Busch, Max und Moritz, vierter Streich, 4. Streich, Eva-Christina Binder', N'Entertainment/Poetry', N'http://www.ecbinder.com/DE/Hoerproben.aspx', N'http://www.ecbinder.com/MP3s/Lehrer_Laempel.png', 258, 200, N'http://www.ecbinder.com/MP3s/Busch%20-%20Max%20ud%20Moritz%20-%20Streich%204.MP3', 3259392, N'audio/mpeg', N'audio', N'full', 5, NULL, N'de-at', N'(C) 2008 Eva-Christina Binder', N'Percy Bysshe Shelley', N'Eva-Christina Binder', N'Eva-Christina Binder', N'Björn Steinmetz', N'Björn Steinmetz', N'Also lautet ein Beschluß:

    Daß der Mensch was lernen muß.

    Nicht allein das Abc

    Bringt den Menschen in die Höh,

    Nicht allein im Schreiben, Lesen

    Übt sich ein vernünftig Wesen;

    Nicht allein in Rechnungssachen

    Soll der Mensch sich Mühe machen;

    Sondern auch der Weisheit Lehren

    Muß man mit Vergnügen hören.

    Daß dies mit Verstand geschah

    War Herr Lehrer Lämpel da.

    Max und Moritz, diese beiden,

    Mochten ihn darum nicht leiden.

    Denn wer böse Streiche macht,

    Gibt nicht auf den Lehrer acht.

    Nun war dieser brave Lehrer

    Von dem Tobak ein Verehrer,

    Was man ohne alle Frage

    Nach des Tages Müh und Plage

    Einem guten, alten Mann

    Auch von Herzen gönnen kann.

    Max und Moritz, unverdrossen,

    Sinnen aber schon auf Possen,

    Ob vermittelst seiner Pfeifen

    Dieser Mann nicht anzugreifen.

    Einstens, als es Sonntag wieder

    Und Herr Lämpel brav und bieder

    In der Kirche mit Gefühle

    Saß vor seinem Orgelspiele,

    Schlichen sich die bösen Buben

    In sein -Haus und seine Stuben,

    Wo die Meerschaumpfeife stand;

    Max hält sie in seiner Hand;

    Aber Moritz aus der Tasche

    Zieht die Flintenpulverflasche,

    Und geschwinde - stopf, stopf, stopf -

    Pulver in den Pfeifenkopf.

    Jetzt nur still und schnell nach Haus,

    Denn schon ist die Kirche aus!

    Eben schließt in sanfter Ruh

    Lämpel seine Kirche zu;

    Und mit Buch und Notenheften,

    Nach besorgten Amtsgeschäften,

    Lenkt er freudig seine Schritte

    Zu der heimatlichen Hütte,

    Und voll Dankbarkeit sodann

    Zündet er sein Pfeifchen an.

    "Ach!" spricht er, "die größte Freud

    Ist doch die Zufriedenheit!"

    Rums, da geht die Pfeife los

    Mit Getöse, schrecklich groß!

    Kaffeetopf und Wasserglas,

    Tabaksdose, Tintenfaß,

    Ofen, Tisch und Sorgensitz

    Alles fliegt im Pulverblitz.

    Als der Dampf sich nun erhob,

    Sieht man Lämpel, der - gottlob! -

    Lebend auf dem Rücken liegt;

    Doch er hat was abgekriegt.

    Nase, Hand, Gesicht und Ohren

    Sind so schwarz als wie die Mohren,

    Und des Haares letzter Schopf

    Ist verbrannt bis auf den Kopf.

    Wer soll nun die Kinder lehren

    Und die Wissenschaft vermehren

    Wer soll nun für Lämpel leiten

    Seine Amtestätigkeiten

    Woraus soll der Lehrer rauchen,

    Wenn die Pfeife nicht zu brauchen

    Mit der Zeit wird alles heil,

    Nur die Pfeife hat ihr Teil.

    Dieses war der vierte Streich,

    Doch der fünfte folgt sogleich.')



  • Isn't the tag missing in your XML... Your CTE reader uses the ITEMS reference, but I do not see it within the XML being passed into the procedure... Am I missing something??

  • Isn't the " " tag missing in your XML... Your CTE reader uses the ITEMS reference, but I do not see it within the XML being passed into the procedure... Am I missing something??

  • Is this question to me or to "bjoern"?


  • Question is for the Article publisher (Jacob)... In the examples, the CTE uses an xml reference of ITEMS/ITEM, but ITEMS is not in the XML dataset... ITEM is but I still think the CTE would return nothing without the ITEMS tag being in the XML... Am I missing something??

  • Brian,

    The XML parameter has the 'items' node.

    Try to run the sample code (last example) in the pubs database and see if you get a correct RSS feed generated.


Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)

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