
  • Hello

    Am running this query:

    SELECT T_ShipmentLines.ShipmentLineID, T_ShipmentLines.OrderID, T_OrderHeader.OrderTotal, T_OrderHeader.OrderDate, T_ShipmentLines.ShippedDate,

    T_ShipmentLines.ShippedValue, CAST(T_ICPAudit.Amount AS INT) AS Charge,

    T_ShipmentLines.ShippedValue - T_ICPAudit.Amount AS [Difference]

    FROM T_ShipmentLines INNER JOIN

    T_OrderHeader ON T_ShipmentLines.OrderID = T_OrderHeader.OrderID INNER JOIN

    T_ICPAudit ON T_ICPAudit.OrderID = T_ShipmentLines.OrderID

    ORDER BY T_ShipmentLines.ShippedDate DESC


    and i get the following error message:

    Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 3

    Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '59.55' to data type int.

    Can anyone help?

  • I think instead of cast as int you should cast as numeric or decimal.

  • I dont think that the problem is due to the CAST done to int because in thins case, you should get String or binary data would be truncated ERROR and not this.

    I think the issue is with the columns that you have used in the join. Check whether they are all of the same data type.

  • Rosh's suggestions will work. Or, if T_ICPAudit.Amount is a monetary amount, why not cast it as MONEY?

  • Hi, I am making an assumption here that cast works the same in 2000 and 2005 so forgive me if I'm wrong, but casting as numeric or decimal will produce a different value to the int function. Int gives you the integer regardless of what's after the decimal, numeric and decimal (no scale or precision) round, so in the case of 59.55 int is 59 and numeric and decimal produce 60.

    The reason you're getting the error message is that you are trying to take the integer part of a string. The way to get the 59 in this case (if that's what you want) is to first cast the string as a decimal with at least one decimal place then take the int of that:

    cast(cast(T_ICPAudit.Amount as decimal(3,1)) as int)

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