SQLAgentCmdExec problem with scheduled DTS

  • I'm running SQL Server 2000 SP4 on Windows 2003. I have a DTS package that I want to schedule. It requires resources on an external machine, so I have a domain account set up as a proxy account. The job is owned by a local account, which is not an administrator.

    The job fails with the error, "A problem occurred while attempting to logon as the Windows user 'SQLAgentCmdExec': The parameter is incorrect. The step failed."

    I've verified the password on my proxy account. I have no errors in my event log. The identical setup works correctly on Windows NT 4.

    One curious thing I've found on message boards is that SQL Server 2000 does not use the SQLAgentCmdExec account, that this was phased out after SQL 7. (There is no such account on my machine.)

    Does anyone know what the problem might be?



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  • Do one thing, go to 'Job System'  tab in SQL server agent properties.

    In 'Non-sysadmin job step proxy account' uncheck the checkbox if its checked and click on 'Reset proxy account' button and enter the windows id and password wirth which sql server agent runs.

    This should resolve your problem, do let me know if problem persists.

  • Thanks for your response.  I had tried that, but with no success.

    The problem occurred after applying a large number of security updates to the OS.  I finally resolved the problem by rebuilding the machine -- and fully patching the OS before installing SQL server.  I never found out the actual cause of the problem, but it seems to be related to the patching process.

  • Hi, I'm getting a similar problem on a server with Windows 2003 SP2. Did you patch your server beyond this level ??


  • While it is true that SQL Server 2000 does not use the SQLAgentCmdExec account, we as a company still use the concept. Meaning that we create our own SQLAgentCmdExec account through the windows manager users/groups. Then we take that account and add it as a login to the MSSQL Server 2000 and now even 2005. We use dbo access to master, msdb and any databases that will need to it the features that it provides. We also set it up to be the bulk insert admin - on the server role tab of the login properties.

    This article gives some additional information about the user and its role: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/q264155/.

  • I had this problem and the solution was a little embarassing. I somehow had plugged in the proxy account ( which, mind you is not an admin account on the server ) to run the agent...and also set it up as the agent proxy account. Duh. One I set up the agent to run as my admin service account created for this purpose, stuff worked.

    I hope this helps somebody.

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