XML xsd problem

  • I have a xml bind with the defined xsd...

    sample xml :



    I wan to retrive the values from "SubElements" insert it against "ChildElement" 1 in one table. how could i do this?

    Abhijit - http://abhijitmore.wordpress.com

  • I have xml schema...

    <RootElement xmlns="http://www.w3org.com/XMLschema.xsd"

    Abhijit - http://abhijitmore.wordpress.com

  • RootElement xmlns="http://www.w3org.com/XMLschema.xsd"

    ChildElement Value="1"


    Id 1 /Id

    Value A /Value



    Id 2 /Id

    Value B /Value




    Abhijit - http://abhijitmore.wordpress.com

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