Sorry. correction. this is the script
CREATE procedure sp_checkdbaccess
/*Copy the output of this sp and run it on query analyser*/
/*This sp is for finding logins with database access*/
declare @db_name varchar(25)
declare @db_status int
declare curdbaccess cursor for select name,status from sysdatabases
open curdbaccess
fetch next from curdbaccess into @db_name,@db_status
while (@@fetch_status<>-1)
if @db_status not in('536','528') /*These dbs are offline*/
print 'use'+ ' '+@db_name +' '+ 'select name as ' + @db_name+' from sysusers where hasdbaccess = ''1'''
fetch next from curdbaccess into @db_name,@db_status
close curdbaccess
deallocate curdbaccess