Delete script

  • I am having some serious trouble figuring out how to do a request given to me. We have a strongly FKed db that they just told me I need to make a script to delete data dynamically. The idea confuses my just thinking about it. so there will be a stored procedure and I am supposed to delete all children and so on. They would be sending into the sp: table name, guid, primary key field.

    First I thought about using cascade delete but some of the tables are not normalized like they should be to allow cascade. So it allows cascade for about 60% of the db but now I have to have a delete script for the rest. All I want to do is show them this solution will not work. I need to have something that works before I can do that. Right now I am using the cursor below and it is up to 10 sec on my local box.

    CREATE PROCEDURE PROC_CheckAndDelete (@TableName varchar(50), @TableOwner varchar(50), @PrimaryKeyValue varchar(100),

    @IsPrimaryKeyValueTypeString bit, @RetMsg tinyint output)





    DECLARE @f_quqlifier sysname,

    @f_owner sysname,

    @f_tablename sysname,

    @f_columnname varchar(100),

    @strsql varchar(500),

    @p_quqlifier sysname,

    @p_owner sysname,

    @p_tablename sysname,

    @p_columnname sysname

    SET @RetMsg = 0

    DECLARE @fkeys TABLE

    (p_quqlifier sysname,

    p_owner sysname,

    p_tablename sysname,

    p_columnname sysname,

    f_quqlifier sysname,

    f_owner sysname,

    f_tablename sysname,

    f_columnname varchar(100),

    key_seq smallint,

    updaterule smallint,

    deleterule smallint,

    fk_name sysname,

    pk_name sysname,

    diff sql_variant)

    -- Collecting all foreign key information

    INSERT INTO @fkeys EXEC sp_fkeys @TableName, @TableOwner


    ----Checking whether any dependants exist.


    DECLARE cur_fkeys CURSOR


    SELECT p_quqlifier, p_owner, p_tablename, p_columnname, f_quqlifier, f_owner, f_tablename, f_columnname

    FROM @fkeys

    WHERE deleterule = 1


    OPEN cur_fkeys

    FETCH NEXT FROM cur_fkeys INTO @p_quqlifier, @p_owner, @p_tablename, @p_columnname, @f_quqlifier, @f_owner, @f_tablename, @f_columnname



    DECLARE @f_tablePrimaryKey as varchar(100)

    SET @f_tablePrimaryKey = @f_tablename + 'id'

    SET @strsql = 'SELECT '+@f_tablename + @f_tablePrimaryKey + ' FROM '

    SET @strsql = @strsql + @f_quqlifier + '.' + @f_owner + '.' + @f_tablename

    IF (@IsPrimaryKeyValueTypeString=1)

    SET @strsql = @strsql + ' WHERE ' + @f_columnname + ' = ' + CHAR(39) + @PrimaryKeyValue + CHAR(39)


    SET @strsql = @strsql + ' WHERE ' + @f_columnname + ' = ' + @PrimaryKeyValue

    -- If records exist, should stop the execution and make the return values as "Dependant exist. cannot delete".

    INSERT INTO [Deleteholder]











    FETCH NEXT FROM cur_fkeys INTO @p_quqlifier, @p_owner, @p_tablename, @p_columnname, @f_quqlifier, @f_owner, @f_tablename, @f_columnname


  • Take a look at these threads:

    Truncate All Tables

    Find Table Reference Levels

  • Both those scripts look good but I have a few problems.

    The user using the sp will not have permissions to alter a table. So I can not disable FK and triggers. The other script takes me to the place I was before. Which is one level under the parent. I need to see the children of the children to delete from the bottom up.

    Here is some psuedo code

    Proc (@TableName varchar, @TheGuid unique identifier, @PrimaryKeyField varchar)

    Get FK's from table and start looping

    SP_Fkeys @TableName

    1) Store Table, field, guid for retreival later

    2) Once I have that first FK I need to start the loop over to see the children of the FK table

    3) At the bottom of the branch start deleting and then work my way back up.

  • JKSQL (8/1/2008)

    Both those scripts look good but I have a few problems.

    The user using the sp will not have permissions to alter a table. So I can not disable FK and triggers. The other script takes me to the place I was before. Which is one level under the parent. I need to see the children of the children to delete from the bottom up.

    Here is some psuedo code

    Proc (@TableName varchar, @TheGuid unique identifier, @PrimaryKeyField varchar)

    Get FK's from table and start looping

    SP_Fkeys @TableName

    1) Store Table, field, guid for retreival later

    2) Once I have that first FK I need to start the loop over to see the children of the FK table

    3) At the bottom of the branch start deleting and then work my way back up.

    The user EXECuting the stored procedure does not need rights to the tables (unless you are using dynamic SQL - which may be the case). If that is the case, I wonder what would have if you setup the procedure to EXECUTE AS with a privileged user account (probably not a recommended method, but - maybe?).

    Jeffrey Williams
    “We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.”

    ― Charles R. Swindoll

    How to post questions to get better answers faster
    Managing Transaction Logs

  • JKSQL,

    Are you attempting to cleanup orphaned child rows, or are you deleting all instances of a given PK (guid) value throughout your schema (from children up to parent)?

    If you are deleting all occurrences of a given PK (guid) value, my next question would be why? Is there no value to retaining history in the database?


  • Yes in this case there is no need to retain history. they are trying to write a program that will work on SQL express 2K5. Since there is a 4 g limit they want the ability to delete all history. There will be no need for an audit trail if guess. I know that sounds weird but that is what I am told. The execute as may be what I need to do to make this work. I have been thinking about this since yesterday and I do not think the above code will be efficient. When a user say is deleting a transaction I do not want them to have to sit there for 30 seconds to delete one transaction.

    Is there anyway to create a parent child table on relationships where I can get to the bottom level quickly possibly without a cursor?

    I really appreciate the help on this one because I am not getting anywhere. You guys have all had some good ideas. I think I can use them all but I need that piece of logic to get me to the base table.

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