Blog Post

SQLSaturday #4 in Orlando - With a Twist!


As you may know MS Teched is two weeks this year and is being held in Orlando. Turns out that they have it leased for two full weeks, but nothing planned for the middle weekend. That presented an opportunity for the local MS communities to do something with the space. Joe Healy, our local Developer Evangelist (DE of the year in 2007 even) got a bunch of email going with the various community leaders, did a conference call, and things were moving!

The outcome is that we'll be doing SQLSaturday#4 on June 7. One DBA track, one Developer/Data Access track, and one BI track. We're using speakers that have done well for us at previous events because we don't have a lot of time to get everything set up. MS is handling the food and other logistics, so for once we don't have to find sponsors, figure out shirt sizes, and all the rest that goes into a 'normal' SQLSaturday. We didn't want to pass up the opportunity to participate in a  huge community event (there is also a Code Camp plus some other stuff going on at the same time) and it's a chance to try a SQLSaturday with a slightly different formula.

On Sunday Brian & I will be hosting what is for now called SQL University, and that will be hands on training - bring your laptop. Half a day of SSIS and half a day of DBA Admin. Should be fun! 

Schedule isn't quite complete but registration is open for both events at If you're going to both please register twice so we can make sure we have lunch for you.



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