DB Mirroring and Replication or Log Shipping

  • I have a client who is currently using SQL Server 2005 DB Mirroring and they would like to have a copy of this database on a third server to offload querying to. We are currently looking into using either Replication or Log Shipping to accomplish this. Would either solution be recommended over the other to work alongside db mirroring?

  • Understand that with log shipping you'll have to kick everyone out of the DB to apply the logs, which is fine if you're only going to ship them once a day, but if you want it to fairly transactionally consistent, then it won't work for a read DB at all. In this case, repl is your only option.

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  • I am currently looking at this myself for a proposal paper for a client's client.

    If I understand you correctly - your client is using mirroring to replicate to a second box and would like a copy of this replicated database in order to do report on?

    If this is the case then you could consider using the snapshot facility.

    have a read of this article and it might give you some ideas




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