DTS packages

  • Hi, please .. a script that could be used to save all the dts packages of a server??

    anyone has a script for that??


  • I found this in the script section, but I haven't used it.



  • Greg Charles (7/28/2008)

    I found this in the script section, but I haven't used it.


    Thanks Greg..but this didnt work 🙁

  • I've used a free download called DTS Backup 2000. You can get a copy here; http://www.sqldts.com/242.aspx

    Tim White

  • Another option is to script the packages into import or export commands and execute the commands (you could use output to save to a text, or run an ssis package that exports the commands and then processes them). That would give you the ability to control your ssis packages from within an SSIS package, without any third party add-ons.

    ;WITH SSISFolders AS


    SELECT folderid, parentfolderid, foldername, CAST(foldername AS VARCHAR(MAX)) AS [path], 1 AS depth

    FROM msdb.dbo.sysdtspackagefolders90

    WHERE parentfolderid is null


    SELECT b.folderid, b.parentfolderid, b.foldername, CAST(a.path+'\'+b.foldername AS VARCHAR(MAX)) , a.depth + 1

    FROM SSISFolders a

    JOIN msdb.dbo.sysdtspackagefolders90 b

    ON a.folderid = b.parentfolderid



    'dtutil /SQL ' + ISNULL(b.path, '') + '\' + a.name + ' /COPY FILE;c:\LocalPackageFolder\' + a.name + '.dtsx' AS SqlToCentralFolder

    , 'dtutil /SQL ' + ISNULL(b.path, '') + '\' + a.name + ' /COPY FILE;c:\LocalPackageFolder' + ISNULL('\' + NULLIF(b.path,''), '') + '\' + a.name + '.dtsx' AS SqlToPathedFolder

    , 'dtutil /FILE c:\LocalPackageFolder\' + a.name + '.dtsx /COPY SQL;' + ISNULL(b.path, '') + '\' + a.name AS CentralFolderToSQL

    , 'dtutil /FILE c:\LocalPackageFolder' + ISNULL('\' + NULLIF(b.path,''), '') + '\' + a.name + '.dtsx /COPY /SQL;' + ISNULL(b.path, '') + '\' + a.name AS PathedFolderToSQL

    FROM msdb.dbo.sysdtspackages90 a

    LEFT JOIN SSISFolders b

    ON a.folderid = b.folderid

  • Sorry, missed the "DTS" part... this is a much simpler query:

    SELECT 'dtutil /DTS ' + [name] + ' /COPY FILE;c:\LocalDTSPackageFolder\' + [name] + '.dtsx' AS SqlToCentralFolder

    , 'dtutil /FILE c:\LocalDTSPackageFolder\' + [name] + '.dtsx /COPY DTS;' + [name] AS CentralFolderToSQL

    FROM msdb.dbo.sysdtspackages

    Note: I haven't tested the exact command line output by these, so they may require tweeking.

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