The Longest Distance

  • Many of you are regulars here at We love seeing you come, post comments, and add in your thoughts to the discussions here on the site. Myself especially since I write the daily editorial.

    I wrote about our 5th anniversary, of which the actual date is of some debate, today since it's been about 5 years since we've been in business, or at least on the web. Actually my anniversary was Saturday and Andy's Sunday with the other founders scattered amongst Sat, Sun, and today. Brian, who actually had the idea and the site in some form of development, has a join date of last year sometime.

    It's amazing to think that this site has grown and prospered over that time and we really appreciate all the efforts of you in posting questions and answers and sending in content.

    It's amazing to think about where we were 5 years ago. 2001 was supposed to be the year of the Space Odyssey, but HAL was nowhere to be found. Instead George Bush took office and later that year the US was attacked on 9/11. That event is probably one of the most significant of my lifetime, causing a war for the US that has affected much of the world since.

    SQL Server 2000 was also just about as old as SQL Server 2005 is now. Hard to believe that this site has existed through only one life cycle of SQL Server, but that's where we are, just barely embarking on the path to 2005.

    Anyway, thanks again and I hope we have another great 5 years with all of you.

    Steve Jones

  • Just this last week I was reading your magazine and thinking about the quality of the articles I was finding in it compared to some others

    God bless, and stay the course...

  • Congratulations Steve! I stumbled upon this site a few months after it was launched and it was a great site even back then in its inception days (has it really been 5 YEARS ) - has only gotten better since then and the fact that so many SQL heavyweights "hang out" here is a fair indication of the quality of this site!!!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Steve,


    It's definitely great source of knowledge for all sql server DBA's.

    Last thursday Apr-6 , I have completed one year from my first visit to this place and can definitely say , I am better DBA than what I was before Apr-6, 2005.

    With all good Wishes to all who have in one way or other contributed to this knowledge base.



    Kindest Regards,

    Sameer Raval [Sql Server DBA]
    Geico Insurance

  • Thank you Steve, Andy, Brian, and all the others who make this site possible. I have found it to be an amazing resource over the past several years.



  • Congratulations Steve & associates, this place has become my number one source for SQL server articles, thank you also for give it some flavor to the site talking not only about SQL server technical jargon but also how it relates to other aspects of our daily life. As I always said technology does not function in a vacuum, is just another activity of our daily life and like a surgeon scalpel it can become dangerous in the in the wrong hands.


    Good luck and hopefully we will be able to enjoy this site for many, many years.

              Rafael Colón  

  • How about querying the db to see by how many members the site grew each year (on the anniversary) - it's at a impressively whopping # (318,606 ?!?!) right now!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Congratulations on a successful 5 year run.

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