select exec @String_Variable

  • I have a string_variable that I have written

    declare @Foo varchar, @IDCount char

    set @IdCount = 3

    set @Foo = 'select top '+ @IDCount +' agent_id from t_1'

    exec (@Foo)


    How can I select from this string Variable in this statement?

    select ID from t_Test where ID not in (select ID from exec (@Foo))

    Can this be done?  Thanks.



    select agent_id

    INTO #Foo

    from t_1'


    select ID from t_Test where ID not in (select agent_id from #Foo)

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Sergiy,

    Thanks for the reply. I've been tooling around with this a little this morning. If I run that query more than once it tells me that the object #Foo already exists in the database. What do you refere to those "objects" as? and where are they stored in the DB?  Thanks for your help!

  • # tables exist until connection is ended or you explicitely drop it.

    If you run it from QA it will stay there until you close the window or execute

    DROP #Foo.

    If you use it inside SP it will be dropped automatically when procedure is finished.

    See BOL topics about temp tables.

    Code for TallyGenerator


    Thanks for the reply again. I was just reading about dropping it in QA to run it mulitple times. I'll check out the BOL as well. Thanks again.

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