DTS error ''The Bulk Copy execution failed''

  • I have SQL 2000 server with sp3a in our head office and a remote office. I took the database backup of 1st server and restored to the 2nd server. Then I setup a daily job to run DTS 'Copy SQL server objects task' to copy only date of the tables from 1st server to the 2nd server. But when I run the DTS, although part of the data has been transfered, it gives an error:

    Step Error Source: Microsoft SQL-DMO

    Step Error Description:[SQL-DMO]The Bulk Copy execution failed.

    Step Error code: 80045707

    Step Error Help File:SQLDMO80.hlp

    Step Error Help Context ID:1131

    Please help!


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    If you start the dts-copy as your self do you  have sufficient authority on both servers because the job uses your account ? and on the other hand if the copy is started by sql server agent as a job then also the account that the agent is running on must have enough authority on servers.

    Have you also checked that on what ever account is used the account has sufficient privileges to all database tables as well as files on both servers.

    Insufficient authority should be revealed easily in event viewer logs on either server the problem occurs.

  • I was using 'sa' to create / run DTS. I have checked the event viewer on both server, and there is nothing related to SQL-DTS.


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