How to combine columns from different rows

  • I have a tableA

    Col1 Col2 Col3

    123 abc apple

    123 def orange

    123 ghi grapes

    Another tableB



    I need to come up with a select to display

    123 abc ** def ** ghi apple**orange**grapes...

    Right now I'm using a function that loops thru Table1 and returns abc ** def ** ghi for 123.

    The sql is

    Select colA, function(123) as colb, function(123) as colc

    The above works but since it is using functions, it takes very long time while executing millions of rows from TableB

    I made these a view by making

    select colA, function(colA)

    Still it takes longer b/c I have maximum of 8 views.

    What is the best method to do this?

  • You might be able to get away with a self-join on TableA, e.g.:


    a.Col1 AS colA,

    a.Col2 + ' ** '

    + IsNull( b.Col2, '' ) + ' ** '

    + IsNull( c.Col2, '' ) AS colB,

    a.Col3 + '**'

    + IsNull( b.Col3, '' ) + '**'

    + IsNull( c.Col3, '' ) AS colC


    TableA a

    INNER JOIN TableA b

    ON a.Col1 = b.Col1

    AND a.Col2 < b.Col2

    INNER JOIN TableA c

    ON a.Col1 = c.Col1

    AND b.Col2 < c.Col2

    You'd have to play around with it a bit to get it to handle cases where there were any more or less than 3 colB values for each colA, if that was required.

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