sql dba 2005

  • Hello,

    I sathish in the stored procedured how to delete

    column values from table for example

    in the table employee fields

    emp_id emp_name emp_dsg

    100 sam developer

    100 raju sse

    101 ram team lead

    Out put i required in this way

    emp_id emp_name emp_dsg

    sam developer

    raju sse

    ram team lead

    can u please send to my mail



  • Are you asking how to clear the emp_id column?

    If you are, can you not just update the whole table to emp_id = NULL


    UPDATE employee

    SET emp_id = NULL

    (I am assuming that empid is not the primary key, or constrained by any other RI)

  • SELECT '' as emp_id,emp_name,emp_dsg from table name if you want to manipulate only for retrieval. If you want to modify the values in the table use can just run a update statement on the table to update it with NULL.

    sathishmssql (4/24/2008)


    I sathish in the stored procedured how to delete

    column values from table for example

    in the table employee fields

    emp_id emp_name emp_dsg

    100 sam developer

    100 raju sse

    101 ram team lead

    Out put i required in this way

    emp_id emp_name emp_dsg

    sam developer

    raju sse

    ram team lead

    can u please send to my mail



    Prasad Bhogadi

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