Can''t connect odbc over VPN

  • Hello,

    Pretty new to SQL problems,  Have a user that connects to sql over vpn.  worked fine for about a year, I don't know what changed but now can't connect.  When I try to connect via odbc get

    "Connection failed sqlstate:01000 SQLError:53 Microsoft ODBC SQL Server Driver Named pipes ConnectionOpen (Connect())  Connection failed:

    SQLState: 08001 SQLServer Error:17 Microsoft ODBC SQL Server Driver named pipes SQL Server does not exist or acces denied.

    I can connect from lan.  Running sbs2003 and mssql2000.

    Please help...Remote user is critical to operations!!

    Thnak you

  • is this via enterprise manager, query analyser etc?

    if so (and i'm assuming that the server IP address hasn't changed, protocols haven't been disbled and that ther are no problems with the client machine setup

    try the following

    check the server network utility (in the sql server folder on start menu) and look at the TCP/IP protocol - check the port number assigned to listen on

    from the client machine open up query analyser and where you type in the IP address or net name of the sql server put a comma (,) and the port number listed

    e.g. SRVSQL01,1433

    I've had similar issues with firewalls and VPN especially over checkpoint

    also - just check that someone hasn't installed a personal software firewall such as zonealarm on the client machine


  • your seem to be using named pipes rather than TCP/IP to talk to the server.  Named Pipes are old NETBIOS technology and are usually not forwarded out of the subnet.  sounds like your network folk have moved the VPN stuff to a different subnet.  Switch your connection to tcpip and you should be fine. 

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