Accessing a named instance with local or computer's name

  • Hi all,

    we are using SQL Server 2005 Express for a local desktop application running on about 100 different laptops (with Windows XP).

    We install a named instance of SQL Server 2005 Express with name ABN. We access the sql server by the service name (local)\ABN which works on most machines.

    On two or three machines however we get the message that there is no such service. When we access the service by changing (local) by the actual computer’s name of the laptop it suddenly works. For example, (local)\ABN doesn’t work, MEIXISCOMP\ABN works, with MEIXISCOMP being my computer’s name.

    I’m pretty confused here. Is there some “Windows switch” or some option in the installation process of SQL Server? I would be grateful if someone had some insights.

    Best regards


  • Hi;

    There is a file in "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\host" spo open it with nnotepad and check if your local ip address is matched with the local . In my host file ipaddress is matched with localhost at first so I can use localhost\mysqlinstance and it works. If this line is not in the file , you can add it. If you want to use local you must write it before the localhost declaration line.Try it.

  • Hi Hasan,

    thanks for your answer.

    I will try it as soon as I get the chance.



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