Removing a Duplicate Record

  • Hello All

    I have a very old canned product that connects to a SQL database. It logs the user with the time that user logged in. This is for the license.

    What it does not do is cleanup after itself. So once a user logs off, it does not always remove that user form the table. So there are multiple users in the table but with a different time stamp and a different ID.

    What I would like to do is create an insert trigger that fires off to remove any duplicates before or after allowing a new user to log in.

    The thing is, I do not, or will not know what the username will be. Here is an example of the data that is in the table

    UserName, StartTime, UserID

    Sally, 2008-03-24 10:09:13, 89

    Sally, 2008-03-24 13:11:34, 107

    John, 2008-03-24 09:23:45, 30

    John, 2008-03-24 14:44:45 111

    Steve, 2008-03-24 08:02:36, 24

    (This is SQL Server, but I cannot space the columns apart on here, so i showed them as delimited)

    What I would like to do is remove the oldest duplicates.

    Which would be Sally with UserID 89, and John with UserID 30

    If not a trigger, I can alway set this up to fire off the stored procedure every 30 minutes or so.

    I am just not sure how to look for a duplicate, when I will not ever know the names of the users.

    Greatly appreciate all your help

    Thanks in advance


  • You can remove duplicates using this

    delete from mytable

    where exists (select * from mytable t2

    where t2.UserName=mytable.UserName

    and t2.StartTime>mytable.StartTime)


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  • Are the UserNames unique? This appears to be the case in your example.

    DECLARE @t TABLE (UserName VARCHAR(25), StartTime DATETIME, UserID INT)

    INSERT @t

    SELECT 'Sally', '2008-03-24 10:09:13', 89 UNION

    SELECT 'Sally', '2008-03-24 13:11:34', 107 UNION

    SELECT 'John', '2008-03-24 09:23:45', 30 UNION

    SELECT 'John', '2008-03-24 14:44:45', 111 UNION

    SELECT 'Steve', '2008-03-24 08:02:36', 24 UNION

    SELECT 'Steve', '2008-03-25 08:02:36', 24 UNION

    SELECT 'Mark', '2008-03-24 09:02:36', 24 UNION

    SELECT 'Mark', '2008-03-24 08:22:36', 24

    SELECT * FROM @t

    -- replace the @t with your table's name and the code boelow will do the trick.


    FROM @t AS a







    @t) AS b

    ON a.StartTime = b.StartTime

    AND a.UserID = b.UserID

    AND a.UserName = b.UserName

    WHERE b.rn <> 1

    SELECT * FROM @t

    FYI, this handles any case where there is more than 1 entry for any user, not just duplicates.


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  • It sounds like you need to create a stored procedure that will accept a username passed in. The stored procedure should delete the duplicate data for the user attempting to log on. Then you can create a DDL trigger that will execute the stored procedure. This in turn will cleanup your table and then login the user. This way the table will be self contained.

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