I wrote this article shortly after returning from the PASS 2007 Summit and tried hard to come up with ideas to address what I see as shortcomings within PASS. PASS runs a great conference, but in other areas they just haven't achieved the kind of success that I know is possible - I look at SSC as an example of what is possible to accomplish with a real community! I'm not suggesting that PASS should attempt to become SSC; I think community sites like SSC, SQLTeam and MSSQLTips.com make a lot of sense and fill specific niches within the business. Rather, I look at SSC with as of today more than 500k registered users and think 'PASS could have 500k members too!'.
I hope you'll read the article and take time to add a comment. Agree, disagree, or add a new suggestion - give PASS some feedback on the direction it should take. You can also see an editorial Steve wrote about the article in the Oct 18th newsletter.