Conditional Query

  • I need help building a query that will update a column "Status" with a value based on these criteria.  My problem is wrapping my mind around determing whether 100% of the records IS NULL or Not Null.


    TableParent ~ top level table

    TableParentID, Status

    TableChild ~ detail table

    TableChildID, TableParentID, Date1, Date2

    Pseudo Query:

    If all records in TableChild has NULL value in the Date1 

    Then update TableParent.Status with 1


    If TableChild records has at least 1 null value for Date1

    then Update TableParent.Status with 2


    If all records in TableChild has a date Value in Date1 and Date2 has at least 1 NULL value

    then Update TableParent.Status with 3


    If all records in tableChild has a date value in Date1 and a date value in Date2

    Then update TableParentStatus with 4

  • Minor detail

    You state "If all records in table child" Does this mean table wide, or if All detail records for a parent?

    If table wide, then what status record should be updated?

    If Detail records for a parent.

    Create table Parent (pk int identity Primary Key, Name varchar(100), Status tinyint)

    Create table Detail (pk int identity Primary Key, ParentID int, Date1 smalldatetime, Date2 smalldatetime)

    alter table Detail

    Add constraint Parentid Foreign Key (ParentID) references Parent(pk)

    insert into Parent(Name)

    Select 'One' Union

    Select 'Two' Union

    Select 'Three' Union

    Select 'Four'

    Insert into Detail (ParentID, Date1, Date2)

    -- All Null Scenario

    Select 1, NULL,NULL Union all

    Select 1, NULL,NULL Union all

    -- 1 null date1

    Select 2, NULL,NULL Union all

    Select 2, '01/01/2005',NULL Union all

    -- 0 Null Date1, 1 Null Date2

    Select 3, '01/01/2005',NULL Union all

    Select 3, '01/01/2005','01/01/2005' Union all

    -- 0 Null Date1, 0 Null Date2

    Select 4, '01/01/2005','01/02/2005'  Union all

    Select 4, '01/01/2005','01/01/2005'

    Select *

    from Parent a

    Join Detail b on ParentID =


    1 One NULL 1 1 NULL NULL

    1 One NULL 2 1 NULL NULL

    2 Two NULL 3 2 NULL NULL

    2 Two NULL 4 2 2005-01-01 00:00:00 NULL

    3 Three NULL 5 3 2005-01-01 00:00:00 NULL

    3 Three NULL 6 3 2005-01-01 00:00:00 2005-01-01 00:00:00

    4 Four NULL 7 4 2005-01-01 00:00:00 2005-01-02 00:00:00

    4 Four NULL 8 4 2005-01-01 00:00:00 2005-01-01 00:00:00

    -- UPdate parent where count(*) Counts all records for the child is greater than the count(Date1) This excludes Nulls

    Update Parent

    set Status = 1

    where pk in (select ParentID

                 from Detail

                 group by ParentID

                 having count(*) > count(Date1) and count(Date1) = 0)

    Update Parent

    set Status = 2

    where pk in (select ParentID

                 from Detail

                 group by ParentID

                 having count(*) > count(Date1) and count(Date1) > 0)

    Update Parent

    set Status = 3

    where pk in (select ParentID

                 from Detail

                 group by ParentID

                 having count(*) = count(Date1) and count(Date2) > 0 and count(Date2) < count(*))

    Update Parent

    set Status = 4

    where pk in (select ParentID

                 from Detail

                 group by ParentID

                 having count(*) = count(Date1) and count(Date2) > 0 and count(Date2) = count(*))

    select * from Parent


    1 One 1

    2 Two 2

    3 Three 3

    4 Four 4

    drop table Parent

    drop table Detail

    You get the idea

  • Not tested, but here is a single SQL statement that should work. The solution uses a nested table with counts for rows, date1 not null and date2 not null for each ParentId

    UPDATE TableParent

    set Status

    = CASE

    -- No NULLs

    WHEN ChildCount = Date1NotNullCnt

    AND ChildCount = Date2NotNullCnt

    THEN 4

    -- ALL Date1 are not null but at least one DATE2 is null

    WHEN ChildCount = Date1NotNullCnt

    AND ChildCount != Date2NotNullCnt

    THEN 3

    -- All Date1 are not null

    WHEN ChildCount = Date1NotNullCnt

    THEN 2

    ELSE 1


    from (select TableParentID

    , count(*) as ChildCount

    , SUM ( CASE WHEN Date1 IS NULL then 0 ELSE 1 END )

    as Date1NotNullCnt

    , SUM ( CASE WHEN Date2 IS NULL then 0 ELSE 1 END )

    as Date2NotNullCnt

    From TableChild

    Group by TableParentID

    ) as ChildCounts

    where ChildCounts.TableParentID = TableParent.TableParentID

    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

  • SELECT TP.TableParentID , Count(TP.TableParentID ), Count(TC.TableChildID)

    FROM TableParent TP

    LEFT JOIN TableChild TC on TC.TableParentID = TP.TableParentID and TC.Date1 IS NULL

    GROUP BY TP.TableParentID

    criteria for select:

    Having Count(TC.TableChildID) = 0

    HAVING Count(TP.TableParentID ) = Count(TC.TableChildID)

    Count(TC.TableChildID) = 0 if no rows referenced to this particular TableParentID have Date1 = null

    Count(TP.TableParentID ) = Count(TC.TableChildID) if all rows have Date1 = null


    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Trick is COUNT(ColumnName) counts only not null values, count(*) counts everything.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Hi, this is just summing up what Carl and Sergiy presented and it works correctly when tested on a sample data (I used the values from Ray's post). You didn't mention status of a childless parent, so I ignored this possibility. If you change the JOIN TableChild to LEFT JOIN, you'll get status '1' for childless parents; if you need different status, you'd have to modify it further. The 'ERROR' status is there for testing, once you're confident that it works fine, you can remove it - if the SQL is correct, no records should escape through the previous steps of CASE.

    UPDATE par

    SET Status =

    CASE  WHEN Q.d1Stat = 0 THEN '1'

     WHEN Q.d1Stat < total THEN '2'

     WHEN Q.d2Stat < total THEN '3'

     WHEN Q.d2Stat = total THEN '4'


    FROM TableParent par


    (select tp.TableParentID,

    count(*) as total, /*count of children*/

    count(tc.Date1) as d1Stat, /*count where Date1 is not null*/

    count(tc.Date2) as d2Stat /*count where Date2 is not null*/

    from TableParent tp

    join TableChild tc on tp.TableParentID = tc.TableParentID

    group by tp.TableParentID) AS Q

    ON Q.TableParentID = par.TableParentID

    HTH, Vladan

    ... and the DDL on which it worked:

    CREATE TABLE TableParent (TableParentID int identity, Status varchar(5))

    CREATE TABLE TableChild (TableChildID int identity, TableParentID int, Date1 datetime, Date2 datetime)

  • Im starting to understand the count(*) and count(column), but what i dont understand is the

    "count(column) = 0" statement.  Does this translate to count(column)'s null values = 0?

  • "count(column) = 0" statement.  This translate to count(column)'s non null values = 0


    * Noel

  • It is as noeld said... You can use the inner part of the query (derived table) to see better what happens and how the counts are evaluated:

    SELECT tp.TableParentID, count(*) as total, count(tc.Date1) as d1Stat, count(tc.Date2) as d2Stat

    FROM TableParent tp

    JOIN TableChild tc on tp.TableParentID = tc.TableParentID

    GROUP BY tp.TableParentID

    This will show you the respective counts and you can compare them with actual data.

  • Thanks for all your help.  Now i have another issue.  How do check determine if a parent record has 0 child records?

  • Hi,

    since COUNT(column_name) counts only values that are not NULL, and the CASE statement stops executing as soon as it hits TRUE, you could rephrase the query along these lines (I took the liberty of assigning status 'NONE' to such records - replace it with whatever status you need):

    UPDATE par

    SET Status =

    CASE  WHEN = 0 THEN 'NONE' /*0 child records*/

     WHEN Q.d1Stat = 0 THEN '1'

     WHEN Q.d1Stat < total THEN '2'

     WHEN Q.d2Stat < total THEN '3'

     WHEN Q.d2Stat = total THEN '4'


    FROM TableParent par


    (select tp.TableParentID,

    count(tc.TableChildID) as total, /*count of children*/

    count(tc.Date1) as d1Stat, /*count where Date1 is not null*/

    count(tc.Date2) as d2Stat /*count where Date2 is not null*/

    from TableParent tp

    left join TableChild tc on tp.TableParentID = tc.TableParentID

    group by tp.TableParentID) AS Q

    ON Q.TableParentID = par.TableParentID

    EDIT : for the TOTAL, count(tc.TableParentID) and count(tc.TableChildID) give the same results, but the code looks more understandable when Child is referenced.

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