What does cardinality mean

  • Hi all,

    I have two tables tableA and tableB.tableA is the parent of tableB.The primary key of tableA is id and tableB is id.The foriegn key is bid.now i have a query like this

    select a.name from tableA where exists(select b.bid from tableB where b.bid=a.id) .this is a joined query.when i run this in Toad the explain plan shows as

    cost:7;cardinality is 1:bytes:27

    The above query can be written as

    select a.name from tableA a,tableB b where a.id=b.bid;when i run this in Toad the expalin plan shows


    Can anyone explain to me wat cardinality means.



  • Kiran

    You should read the topic "Cardinality estimation" in Books Online. If there's anything you don't understand, or if it doesn't cover everything you need to know, please post again. By the way, you should look at using ANSI syntax for your join queries: it is clearer to read, and the non-ANSI syntax may not be valid in future versions of SQL Server.


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