SQL Agent Job Queries to get schedule, frequency, duration (min, max, avg)

  • I have to write a query to generate the job name, min duration, max duration, avg duration, schedule (Daily, Weekly, etc), and frequency (every hour, once a day, etc)

    I have the query already to get me the job name, min duration, max duration, avg duration. I cannot find a system table that holds the schedule and frequency information.

    sysjobschedules just shows you the next run time and run date

    Does anyone have any insight that might help me with this

    Here is what I have so far

    USE msdb


    select job_id, name into #jobs from sysjobs where enabled = 1


    select job_id,



    ((run_duration/10000*3600 + (run_duration/100)%100*60 + run_duration%100 + 31 ) / 60) as 'run_duration'

    into #jobhistory from sysjobhistory

    where step_id = 0

    select a.name as 'JobName',

    max(b.run_duration) as 'MaxDurationMinutes',

    min(b.run_duration) as 'MinDurationMinutes',

    avg(b.run_duration) as 'AvgDurationMinutes'

    from #jobs a, #jobhistory b where a.job_id = b.job_id group by a.name

    order by a.name

    drop table #jobs

    drop table #jobhistory

  • Use msdb.dbo.sysschedules.


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