Reporting services dataset question

  • I need some help building a report. I think this is got to be something very simple but I am not sure what I am missing

    1. I created a stored procedure.

    2. I created my dataset :

    command type: storedProcedure

    Query string: The stored procedure name

    3. I refresh the report dataset

    however the dataset does not populate with any fields.

    What do I have to do for the fields to come up??

    I appreciate if any one could give me a had with this


  • Could you show the SPROC? Is the IDE showing any errors when you execute the procedure?


    In the Windows where you put the SPROC Name did you include the schema name?

    i.e. dbo.MyProcedure instead of just MyProcedure?

  • I included the name of the schema on the name.

    when I click on refresh it brings a box with the stored procedure parameters, so it is reading the procedure, but after a enter the parameters no results actually populate on the grid, and the dataset fields do not populate either.

    No error messages.

    here is the stored proc:


    IF object_id('tempdb..#tempcode') IS NOT NULL


    DROP TABLE #tempcode


    create table #tempcode (ChargeAllowanceCode nchar(4))

    IF @IncludeFuelcharge_405=1


    insert into #tempcode select distinct ChargeAllowanceCode from shipping.charge where ChargeAllowanceCode <>'400'


    IF @IncludeFuelcharge_405=0


    insert into #tempcode select distinct ChargeAllowanceCode from shipping.charge where ChargeAllowanceCode not in ('400','405')




    declare @BoundInd int

    --if (@StartDT = @EndDT ) -- Modified 2007-06-22 - SPH


    set @EndDT = convert(datetime, convert(varchar, @EndDT, 101) + ' 23:59:59')


    if ( @seeInbound = 1 ) and (@seeOutBound = 1 )

    set @BoundInd = 2 -- both

    if ( @seeInbound = 1 ) and (@seeOutBound = 0 )

    set @BoundInd = 0 -- only inbound

    if ( @seeInbound = 0 ) and (@seeOutBound = 1 )

    set @BoundInd = 1 -- only outbound

    if ( @seeInbound > 0 ) or (@seeOutBound > 0 )


    select ih.isaControlNumber Batch,

    ih.invoiceCode InvoiceNo,

    sp.AirWeighBillCode AirbillNo,

    Case ih.OutBoundInd

    when 1

    then sp.ShipToName

    else sp.ShipFromName

    end [Name],

    Case ih.OutBoundInd

    when 1

    then sp.ShipToCity

    else sp.ShipFromCity

    end [City],

    Case ih.OutBoundInd

    when 1

    then sp.ShipToState

    else sp.ShipFromState

    end [State],

    Case ih.OutBoundInd

    when 1

    then sp.ShipToPostalCode

    else sp.ShipFromPostalCode

    end [ZIP],


    sp.PickUp_DeliveryDate PickupDateTime,

    c.ChargeAmount OtherCharges1,

    c.ChargeAllowanceDesc OtherCharge1Description,

    isnull(c1.ChargeAmount,0) OtherCharges2,

    isnull(c1.ChargeAllowanceDesc,'') OtherCharge2Description,

    isnull(Assc.otherCharges,0) Total_OtherCharges,

    ih.ISADate BillingDate, -- Added 6/18/2007 - SPH

    ih.InvoiceDate InvoiceDate,


    from Shipping.InvoiceHeader ih with (nolock)

    join Shipping.ShipmentParty sp with (nolock)

    on (ih.ID = sp.InvoiceHeaderID)

    join Shipping.LineItem li with (nolock)

    on (ih.ID = li.InvoiceHeaderID

    and sp.AirWeighBillCode = li.AirWeighBillCode)

    join Shipping.ShipmentRouting sr with (nolock)

    on (ih.ID = sr.InvoiceHeaderID

    and sp.AirWeighBillCode = sr.AirWeighBillCode)

    join shipping.charge c

    on (ih.ID = c.InvoiceHeaderID

    and sp.AirWeighBillCode = c.AirWeighBillCode

    and c.ChargeAllowanceCode <> '400'

    and c.LadingLineItemNumber = 2)

    left join shipping.charge c1

    on (ih.ID = c1.InvoiceHeaderID

    and sp.AirWeighBillCode = c1.AirWeighBillCode

    and c1.ChargeAllowanceCode <> '400'

    and c1.LadingLineItemNumber = 3)

    left join (select InvoiceHeaderID,invoiceCode, AirWeighBillCode,

    sum(ChargeAmount) otherCharges

    from Shipping.Charge with (nolock)

    where ChargeAllowanceCode <> '400'

    group by InvoiceHeaderID,invoiceCode, AirWeighBillCode ) AssC

    on ( ih.ID = AssC.InvoiceHeaderID

    and sp.AirWeighBillCode = AssC.AirWeighBillCode )

    where ih.ISADate between @StartDT and @EndDT

    --where ih.InvoiceDate between @StartDT and @EndDT

    and (ih.OutBoundInd = (case @BoundInd

    when 1 then 1

    when 0 then 0

    when 2 then 1


    or ih.OutBoundInd = (case @BoundInd -- Since we have to test for either AND both

    when 1 then null -- this construct will allow for the both

    when 0 then null -- case.

    when 2 then 0


    and c.ChargeAllowanceCode in (select ChargeAllowanceCode from #tempcode)---- Added code to allow users to exclude fuel charges



  • The problem was the temp table. I changed the stored proc to create a table instead, anf the everything worked fine.

    Not sure wht reporting services do not work well with temp tables, but that solved my issue


  • That's quite a SPROC. Have you executed the SPROC thru Mgmt Studio using the same paramaters you are passing from RSS and gotten data back?

  • Check out the following article:

    It describes the same problem but then occuring in SSIS.


  • Hiiiiiiiii........

    I have not read the total story but got the point

    For getting the fields populated in dataset u have to select the required columns using select query after the end of the stored proc

    i.e select columns from temptable

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