Please help in this trigger!!!

  • Please help


    I'm trying to create a trigger that grabs the row being inserted updated or deleted in a given table and inserts it to another almost identicle table. For some reason I'm having a terrible tome making it work. Could someone please give me a simple example to build off of.

    Here is an example of the source table where the trigger will reside using some simple column names.



    ID      Guid

    Fname   Varchar

    Lname   Varchar

    Address Varchar

    The desination table would look something like This


    ID          Guid

    Fname       Varchar 

    Lname       Varchar

    Address     Varchar

    tx_ID       A new Guid

    tx_type     Value will be a i, u, or d depending on if the

         transaction was inserted updated or deleted.    

    tx_time     A new date time

    TX_Status   Will always default to 0

    Here is what want the rigger to look like but I kep getting errors.

    on insert, update, delete,

    on insert

    Select ID, fname, ID, address from inserteted into TX_tblmembers

    Set tx_tblmemebers.tx_type = i (for last transaction. I'm not sure how to do this)

    on update 

    Select ID, fname, ID, address into TX_tblmembers from updated

    Set tx_tblmemebers.tx_type = u

    on Delete

    Select ID, fname, ID, address into TX_tblmembers from deleted.

    Set tx_tblmemebers.tx_type = d

    Please help. keep in mind that I'm very new to SQL programming  so the simpler the better.


  • CREATE TRIGGER INS_tblmembers

    ON tblmembers



    INSERT INTO TX_tblmembers

    Select ID, fname, lname, address,newid(),'i',getdate(),0 from inserted


    CREATE TRIGGER DEL_tblmembers

    ON tblmembers



    INSERT INTO TX_tblmembers

    Select ID, fname, lname, address,newid(),'d',getdate(),0 from deleted


    CREATE TRIGGER UPD_tblmembers

    ON tblmembers



    INSERT INTO TX_tblmembers

    Select ID, fname, lname, address,newid(),'d',getdate(),0 from deleted


    INSERT INTO TX_tblmembers

    Select ID, fname, lname, address,newid(),'i',getdate(),0 from inserted

    Kindest Regards,


  • Hey vasc, what's the reasonning behind the update trigger?

    Why do you do insert deleted, insert inserted instead of doing a single insert from inserted and marking it as 'U'?

  • None beside copy-paste  : ) 

    Kindest Regards,


  • I thaught that it may have something to do with reporting but looks like I was wrong...

  • Hey thats great but can I build this into a single trigger? That's where I'm really having a big problem.


    Thank you

  • CREATE TRIGGER IDU_tblmembers

    ON tblmembers



    INSERT INTO TX_tblmembers

    Select ID, fname, lname, address,newid(),'d',getdate(),0 from deleted

    INSERT INTO TX_tblmembers

    Select ID, fname, lname, address,newid(),'i',getdate(),0 from inserted

    Kindest Regards,


  • cool cool, but how do I determine if the transaction was inserted, updated or deleted?How do I capture that value to a tx_table?

    Thank you so much..,.


  • I suggest you familiarize yourself with what BOL has to say about CREATE TRIGGER, SELECT INTO, and other related stuff, and also follow any available links to familiarize yourself both with syntax and concepts.

    Some of the problems I see, off the bat, are that you are trying to use SELECT INTO in lieu of an INSERT.  If your 'TX_tblMembers' table is a permanent table, then every time you run a trigger with a 'SELECT * INTO TX_tblMembers' statement, T-SQL is going to complain that the table already exists.

    You use the datatype term 'GUID' -- in T-SQL, that is called 'UNIQUEIDENTIFIER'

    Any given triggering statement may have affected zero rows.  Triggers are already expensive enough, therefore there is no need to make them more expensive by hanging around unnecessarily.

    If you use one trigger for all three operations -- DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE -- you will need to test for whichever operation has triggered the current firing.  (If you write three separate triggers, however -- one for INSERT, one for UPDATE, and one for DELETE -- you will not  need any such test.)

    If you will be inserting fewer columns into the 'TX_tblMembers' table than its definition includes, you will also need to include a list of columns along with the INSERT.  Alternatively, any defaulted values can be set here at the INSERT, or as DEFAULT values in the table declaration.  A new DATETIME value (for column 'txTime') can be inserted as GETDATE ().

    I can provide a sample template, so long as you understand I make no warranties or guarantees of any sort.

        CREATE TABLE tblMembers


         , Fname   Varchar (35)

         , Lname   Varchar (35)

         , Address Varchar (60))



        CREATE TABLE TX_tblMembers

          (ID          UNIQUEIDENTIFIER

         , Fname       Varchar (35)

         , Lname       Varchar (35)

         , Address     Varchar (60)

         , tx_ID       UNIQUEIDENTIFIER

         , tx_type     Char (1) -- i, u, or d 

         , tx_time     DATETIME

         , TX_Status   INT DEFAULT (0))


        CREATE TRIGGER T_DIU_tblMembers

        ON tblMembers


            , INSERT

            , UPDATE




          || No rows affected?  Then scram!



          DECLARE @rowcount INT

          SELECT @rowcount = @@ROWCOUNT

          IF @rowcount = 0


            GOTO TRG_EXIT

        --END IF



          || Is this an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE?



          DECLARE @operation   CHAR (1)

                , @nr_inserted INT

                , @nr_deleted  INT

          SELECT @nr_inserted = COUNT (1)

          FROM inserted


          SELECT @nr_deleted = COUNT (1)

          FROM deleted


          IF  @nr_inserted > 0

          AND @nr_deleted  > 0


            SELECT @operation = 'U'


          ELSE IF @nr_inserted > 0


            SELECT @operation = 'I'


            SELECT @operation = 'D'

        --END IF



          || Stash the results...



          INSERT INTO TX_tblMembers (ID

                                   , Fname

                                   , Lname

                                   , Address

                                   , TX_ID

                                   , TX_TYPE

                                   , TX_TIME)

            SELECT results.ID

                 , results.Fname

                 , results.Lname

                 , results.Address

                 , NEWID ()

                 , @operation

                 , GETDATE ()

            FROM (SELECT *

                  FROM   inserted

                  WHERE  @operation IN ('I', 'U')

                  UNION ALL

                  SELECT *

                  FROM   deleted

                  WHERE @operation = 'D') results




  • Man. you rock. that seems to be working pretty well. Unfotunalty I have 500 + tables to create this on. Is there a way to speed that up to create new TX tables and  triggers?

  • > Man. you rock. that seems to be working pretty well.

    Glad I could help.

    > Is there a way to speed that up to create new TX tables and triggers?

    That's hard to say.  How generic do you want your triggers?  There's going to be a trade-off between being generic and having good performance.

    You could write a script that would produce a character string for each table containing trigger code, and then execute it.  Roughly, you would loop on all the table names and (querying 'syscolumns') substitute the column names within that string whenever appropriate.  That might take as long as doing it manually.


  • I have used what I think is a somewhat simpler method for my triggers. The trigger will only fire if there are rows affected so checking for rows affected is unnecessary.

    Here is a small example of the trigger body:

    Insert Into Table




    'U' as type


    inserted I Join

    deleted D On

    I.PK = D.PK

    Union All




    'I' as type


    inserted I

    Union All




    'D' as type


    deleted D

  • > The trigger will only fire if there are rows affected so checking for rows affected is unnecessary.

    How do you do that?

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