BULK INSERT with fixed length text file

  • I'm trying to do a  BULK INSERT on a text file into a table. The file format is fixed length fields with no fieldterminator or rowterminator characters (whole file is on one line).  Is anyone familiar with how to perform a bulk insert on this type of file? Sample is shown below, setting the line length to 62 formats it properly.  The field lengths are:

    -name 1-15

    -sex 16-16

    -dob 17+23

    -groupid 24-25

    -school 26-29

    -postcode 30-33

    -recordbkno 34-38

    -entrydate 39-44

    -bronze 45-50

    -silver 51-56

    -gold 57-62

    ADAIR L        f300568bpsMerc606106627210383140286            ANDREWS M      m010169gzzPAC 606101010010183            021286AUSTIN B       m010169basArmy601800000010183100984            BACA F         f250568bssMelH615635235301183                  BAILEY C       f150569bpsPenr615335280020883                  BAILEY G       m010169basArmy615500000010183270683270984      BAWDEN I C     m100268bpsGGS 60556026 010683                  BELL M         f010169bzzPAC 606200000010183010184010685      BENNISON R     f010668bssBelH61045405 010383                  BERRY D        m261267bzzHosp606435253171083                  BETTERIDGE M   m010169bzzSwan601500000010183170685            BLAIR K        m010169basAir 615500000010183250784            BLAKE P        m010169bpsCCGS600900000010183010184011284      BOEREMA J      m211266bpsScot600935273270983                  BOOTH BG       m010169bssBelH610300000010183191185            BOOTH S        m010169bssBelH610300000010183290584            BOUSFIELD KA   f180865bbsScou610535281021083                 

  • I'd be inclined to say you'll have to pre-process the file and insert the row terminators. Something like running a short VBScript to insert CR+LF into the appropriate places. Once you have the row terminators in place it would be a simple matter to create a format file and import using BULK INSERT.


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Format file for Bulk insert use option [ [ , ] FORMATFILE = 'format_file_path' ]

    [ [ , ] FORMATFILE = 'format_file_path' ]





    1       SQLCHAR       0       15      ""                        1     name           Latin1_General_CI_AS

    2       SQLCHAR       0       1       ""                        2     sex            Latin1_General_CI_AS

    3       SQLCHAR       0       7       ""                        3     dob            Latin1_General_CI_AS

    4       SQLCHAR       0       2       ""                        4     groupid        Latin1_General_CI_AS

    5       SQLCHAR       0       4       ""                        5     school         Latin1_General_CI_AS

    6       SQLCHAR       0       4       ""                        6     postcode       Latin1_General_CI_AS

    7       SQLCHAR       0       5       ""                        7     recordbkno     Latin1_General_CI_AS

    8       SQLCHAR       0       6       ""                        8     entrydate      Latin1_General_CI_AS

    9       SQLCHAR       0       6       ""                        9     bronze         Latin1_General_CI_AS

    10      SQLCHAR       0       6       ""                        10    silver         Latin1_General_CI_AS

    11      SQLCHAR       0       6       ""                        11    gold           Latin1_General_CI_AS


    Kindest Regards,


  • Besids BCP you can use DTS. in the DTS package create a connection to the destination DB. create aconnection to the text file, during the creation of the connection to the text file you can select a "Delemited" or "Fixed Length" format. From there on it's a peice of cake...



    Don't count what you do, do what counts.

    SQL Draggon

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