Blog Post

SQLSaturday in Orlando


I imagine many of you have seen or attended a Code Camp, a one day free mini conference type event that focuses on demo's and code. Brian & I have done SQL presentations at most of them in Fl and they vary from fair to great events, all depending on a combination of the venue and size/experience of the volunteers running the event. They always have good speakers and topics, I think mainly because people who are passionate about their craft enjoy talking about it to others and that just shows.

But anyway, for a while we've been wanting to do a similar event that just focused on SQL professionals and after a couple months of getting stuff sorta ready, we're finally ready to go. SQLSaturday Orlando is live and we're signing people up for the email updates. Once the schedule is complete (around Aug 20 we hope), we'll get it published and then start taking actual registrations for the event in early Sep. The reason for that is that we know there is typically a 10-15% noshow among those that registered (woke up tired Sat morning!) and we want to minimize by not having people register months in advance. Actual event will be Nov 10, 2007, at the Heathrow Campus of Seminole Community College. Call for speakers is open and we're also accepting suggestions for topics. Come take a look!

If all goes well we're hoping to do the event in both Tampa and Jacksonville next year, and who knows, maybe elsewhere too!


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