
  • Can Define an Identifier statring with "[" and ending with "]"


    JI.InvoiceTitle = [Jobs].[InvoiceTitle]


    Is the above format correct?

    and why is [] used in SQl scripts


  • SQL Server will generate these for your field and table names just in case they contain an invalid character.

    For example, your table name can contain spaces (IMHO a ver bad practice), but then to select from in you would need:

    Select * From [My Table]

  • Moreover two more things are there as for as my concern.

    1.Use brackets to enclose a range of characters, such as [a-f]

    2.Use a reserved word as a field name. For instance, [date]

  • In dynamic SQL you can use the QUOTENAME() function to delimit your objects with [...]:

    'USE ' + QUOTENAME('master', '[');

    will give you

    USE [master];

    Off topic, the QUOTENAME() function has an interesting application as a protective measure against SQL injection. See for example,

    SQL Server 2016 Columnstore Index Enhancements - System Views for Disk-Based Tables[/url]
    Persisting SQL Server Index-Usage Statistics with MERGE[/url]
    Turbocharge Your Database Maintenance With Service Broker: Part 2[/url]

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