Select XML data

  • By way of example: I have a table called Table1. It has one column called Column1 of XML data type.

    The single record looks as follows: (NOTE: for purposes of the posting I have removed the ">".

    <Webstore xmlns="urn:WebstoreDeploymentSchema.xsd"


    <DatabaseTemplate Name="CoreCatalogDBDistributionDatabaseTemplate"




    How can I write a query where the result set will be "CoreCatalogDBDistributionDatabaseTemplate". The attribute Name from the Element Database Template.

  • WITH XMLNAMESPACES ('urn:WebstoreDeploymentSchema.xsd' AS ns)

    SELECT r.value('@Name','VARCHAR(50)') AS 'Element Database Template'

    FROM Table1

    CROSS APPLY Column1.nodes('/ns:Webstore/ns:DatabaseTemplates/ns:DatabaseTemplate') AS x(r)


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

    How to get the best help on a forum
  • Yahoo!! Thanks Mark!

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