Allowing quotes with out having a extraction error?

  • Ok, this is what I have. I have a form that collects information about press events. The part I'm having trouble with is when I transcribe a press clip with single quotes (') I get this error message:

    Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)

    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 's'.

    When I use double quotes (") it prints everything out up to the first double quote it comes across.

    I am using the nvarchar(4000) datatype.

    Also, VBS and ASP to extract the information.

    How do I fix this?

    Much appreciated,


  • Sounds like dynamic sql to me.

    Can you post the code you are using the create the query and execut it.

    Pre-hint... double quote your quotes (' becomes '').

  • does this help?

    in my select statement, the publish article case runs like this:





    sub subGetFormValues

    title = Request.QueryString("t")

    pub_date = Request.QueryString("pd")

    news_source = Request.QueryString("ns")

    article_body = Request.QueryString("ab")

    end sub

    sub subAddArticle

    'db connect code defined here

    Set CommandLine = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")

    Set CommandLine.ActiveConnection = connection_obj

    strQ ="INSERT INTO press " &_

    "(source, publication_date, article_title, body_text)" &_

    " VALUES " &_

    "(" &_

    "'" & news_source & "', " &_

    "'" & pub_date & "', " &_

    "'" & title & "', " &_

    "'" & article_body & "')"

    CommandLine.CommandText = strQ

    CommandLine.Execute strQ

    end sub

  • As I explained you'd need to replace all the (') with (''). Or you could create a stored proc and avoid the problem altogether. It would also shield you from sql injection attacks (The Curse and Blessings of Dynamic SQL


    here's the stored proc :

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.Demo @Source as varchar(50), @publication_date as varchar(50), @article_title as varchar(50), @body_text as varchar(50)




    (source, publication_date, article_title, body_text)

    VALUES(@Source, @publication_date, @article_title, @body_text)



    Here's an exemple in vb6 (will need some tweaking for asp, but you'll get the idea)

    procedure to call the procedure :

    (you'll need to find the matching values of the enumerations like adParamInput = 1 and replace them)

    Private Function exec_Demo(ByVal Source As String, ByVal publication_date As String, ByVal article_title As String, ByVal body_text As String, Optional ByRef ReturnValue As Integer) As Integer

    On Error GoTo Gestion

    Dim MyCmd As ADODB.Command

    Set MyCmd = New ADODB.Command

    MyCmd.CommandText = "dbo.Demo"

    MyCmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

    Dim MyParam As ADODB.Parameter

    Set MyParam = New ADODB.Parameter

    MyParam.Name = "@Source"

    MyParam.Value = Source

    MyParam.Size = 50

    MyParam.Direction = adParamInput

    MyParam.Type = adVarChar

    MyCmd.Parameters.Append MyParam

    Set MyParam = New ADODB.Parameter

    MyParam.Name = "@publication_date"

    MyParam.Value = publication_date

    MyParam.Size = 50

    MyParam.Direction = adParamInput

    MyParam.Type = adVarChar

    MyCmd.Parameters.Append MyParam

    Set MyParam = New ADODB.Parameter

    MyParam.Name = "@article_title"

    MyParam.Value = article_title

    MyParam.Size = 50

    MyParam.Direction = adParamInput

    MyParam.Type = adVarChar

    MyCmd.Parameters.Append MyParam

    Set MyParam = New ADODB.Parameter

    MyParam.Name = "@body_text"

    MyParam.Value = body_text

    MyParam.Size = 50

    MyParam.Direction = adParamInput

    MyParam.Type = adVarChar

    MyCmd.Parameters.Append MyParam


    MyCmd.ActiveConnection = MyCn



    Set MyParam = Nothing

    Set MyCmd = Nothing

    Exit Function


    ErrHandler ModuleName, Me.Name, "exec_Demo", Err

    MsgBox Err.Description & " : " & Err.Number

    End Function

  • Thanks, I'll give it a whirl. I'll probably be back with questions

  • You'd be the first to understand all this by himself.

    Up to the challenge ?

  • I just don't know why is has to be that hard to insert quotes... You'd think that someone would have thought about a way to fix it. heh

  • It's not hard



    insert into SomeTable (SomeCol) values ('This fails : '')


    insert into SomeTable (SomeCol) values ('This works : ''')

  • I don't know if this makes a difference but I forgot to add that the text goes into a textarea form element.

  • Not sure of what you're talking about. Can I see some code?

  • text area is web/html control. It is a big text box like the one we use to type body of EMail message or messages for Forums. There are chances that users can type single quotes and that will lead to error. As previous poster {I think it is Remi } suggested use a stored procedure - {good idea} or replace (') with ('') {will make it to work}


  • I know what a textarea is . I haven't coded in html for a while but I remeber the basics .

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