querying xml data/ out of memory exception

  • Hi everyone,

    I have a task in which we get feed files in form of xml files and we have to investigate them for bugs. So, I created a sql server table XMLImportTest and inserted the file in the column xml_data.

    CREATE TABLE XmlImportTest


    xmlFileName VARCHAR(300),

    xml_data xml



    DECLARE @xmlFileName VARCHAR(300)

    SELECT @xmlFileName = 'C:\\XMLFiles\stats.xml'


    INSERT INTO XmlImportTest(xmlFileName, xml_data)

    SELECT ''' + @xmlFileName + ''', xmlData



    SELECT *


    ) AS FileImport (XMLDATA)



    Now, I have to query this data for some specific string values.

    select xml_data.query('for $so in //indicator

    where $so/canonicalIndicator = "power use"

    or $so/displayIndicator = "power use"

    or $so/alt = "power use"

    return $so')

    from dbo.XmlImportTest

    For a file of size 478,601 KB, this query took 7:33 min to execute. Why is this query so slow? Is there anyway to get results faster?

    Also when I execute

    select * from dbo.XmlImportTest

    I get an error

    β€˜An error occurred while executing batch. Error message is: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.’

    My machine is running Windows xp professional SP2 and has 2 GB of RAM.

    Please let me know, what the problem is. Also, for the above type of task, is there a better way to perform it?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Hi lothar,

    Can you tell what your expected result when you executing select statement?

    and try with the below example.It may useful for you:

    select xml_data.query('(authors/author/first-name)')

    from XmlImportTest


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